This website gives a general timeline for things in Colorado
CO timeline
Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or as our brothers to the south call you Jésus…we thank you so much!!!i opened the letter finally. EXAM RESULT: PASS. thank the sweet baby jesus so close to his birthday. what a christmas gift this is from ELSES.
good luck to everyone else.
Congrats !!! :multiplespotting: :multiplespotting:i opened the letter finally. EXAM RESULT: PASS.
What did your letter look like? Did it support the thin=good theory?i opened the letter finally. EXAM RESULT: PASS. thank the sweet baby jesus so close to his birthday. what a christmas gift this is from ELSES.
good luck to everyone else.
my letter was thin with only two white sheets of paper. i think thin is definitely good.What did your letter look like? Did it support the thin=good theory?