Charlotte Airport-What to do

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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2007
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acquiring satelites...
So it looks like we'll have a 6-hour layover at the Charlotte Airport when we travel this winter. We'll be traveling with my seven-year-old. Is the airport interesting enough for that kind of layover? Is it close enough to go do anything in that time?

Thanks for your help.

Unfortunately I've only been there long enough to grab a rental car and head off to the hotel before going to the NASCAR race.

You could go visit the launching pad of the Democrats failed 2012 presidential campaign.


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I like the Charlotte airport. . . they have rocking chairs and a guy that plays the piano in the food court. But six hours worth of entertainment, probably not. I don't know if there's anything nearby, though. Have never left the airport.

You could go visit the launching pad of the Democrats failed 2012 presidential campaign.


(oh yes he did)

The website mentions free wi-fi. I imagine we can burn a few of those hours watching a movie over a phone.

WHOA! Wait. Turns out US Airways Flight 1549's plane is at the Carolinas Aviation Museum, which is near the airport. We could see Sully's plane!

The airport bar is where you can pick up on all the classy local ladies...

Some woman who was in her 40s and totally sloshed bought me drink after drink one night at the Philly airport, it was great. I didn't have a long connection to sober up, but I was taking a cab so it didn't matter. It's a good thing planes are like the bus or train that make stop after stop, because I was out cold.

For some reason they had me fly U.S. Air through Charlotte on my way home from R&R (Atlanta and Cincy are both Delta hubs). It was pretty much going from one gate to the other so I can't tell you much other than it looks like a nice airport.

On the other hand, if anyone ever has a layover in Dulles I can tell you that there is a Smithsonian Air & Space annex there (it's where they shot the SR-71 scene from the Transformers movie). Admission is free but it is a $0.50 shuttle ride from the airport. The nice folks at the USO told us about that when we stuck there during our 10 hour layover (so no bitching about 6 hours).

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I've spent plenty of time at the Fox Sports Sky Box... not bad for airport fare and you can watch some games.

^Yes, they have bathroom attendants there.

There's not much around the airport to see or do, and you would have to get a cab or rental car to see anything because there's really no other way to go out to the city from there. All the restaurants are past security, or I would try to meet ya'll to eat. Let me know if you have any questions, but everyone else has pretty well covered what CLT has.

How in the world do you end up w/ a 6hr layover this far out from your travel date? Think I'd fire whoever's booking your travel ;)

How in the world do you end up w/ a 6hr layover this far out from your travel date? Think I'd fire whoever's booking your travel ;)
It's my mom and she's paying, so we'll keep her. It's that delicate balance of getting from the Rocky Mountains to Puerto Rico without spending a ton of money.

Ble- You can bring food to the airport! :)

I ended up with a very long layover there years ago when I was meeting a brother and sister to take the final leg to Chicago and I was using frequent-flyer miles. the rocking chairs are good. The piano playing is nice. The restaurants are good. But still, being stuck in an airport for hours is not fun.

I do own one of these:


We can all just take naps.
