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I have a promotion riding on me passing this test. Which makes it all that much worse because I am pretty sure I failed for a second time. I just want to be done....

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Nope, failed and back to the drawing board with this mess.... Anyone take civil portion of EET and pass? Or fail? What's your thoughts? I took SoPE and was not satisfied with the depth portion.
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Nope, failed and back to the drawing board with this mess.... Anyone take civil portion of EET and pass? Or fail? What's your thoughts? I took SoPE and was not satisfied with the depth portion.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
I took SoPE as well and thought the depth was terribly lacking (I'm civil structural, if that isn't clear). I don't know how I did yet (still waiting in TN). I was pleased with the prep for the morning, but I agree with you that they're severely lacking in the depth portion.

I passed!!!! This was my third try and I was pretty discouraged after the first two attempts. Seeing that green PASS makes it all worth it! Almost two years of my life devoted to studying for these tests...

View attachment 11395
Hey, out curiosity, does your "fail" results stay on you page even after you pass? Or does it just keep your most recent result?

Nope, failed and back to the drawing board with this mess.... Anyone take civil portion of EET and pass? Or fail? What's your thoughts? I took SoPE and was not satisfied with the depth portion.
Sorry you didn't get the result you wanted. I took Testmasters and it was absolutely worth the money.
