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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
As John stares lovingly across the table at Frank, no one else suspects anything about his hiden feelings.

The room goes quiet as each wonders what is causing that wierd groan under the table. Bob quickly offers a toast to distract from the fact his wife has disappeared under the table...

Well, someone's got to break the ice, and it might as well be me. I mean, I'm used to being a hostess, it's part of my husband's work. And it's always difficult when a group of new friends meet together for the first time, to get acquainted. So I'm perfectly prepared to start the ball rolling. I mean, I-I have absolutely no idea what we're doing here. Or what I'm doing here, or what this place is about, but I am determined to enjoy myself. And I'm very intrigued, and, oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it?

Well, someone's got to break the ice, and it might as well be me. I mean, I'm used to being a hostess, it's part of my husband's work. And it's always difficult when a group of new friends meet together for the first time, to get acquainted. So I'm perfectly prepared to start the ball rolling. I mean, I-I have absolutely no idea what we're doing here. Or what I'm doing here, or what this place is about, but I am determined to enjoy myself. And I'm very intrigued, and, oh my, this soup's delicious, isn't it?

(I know, Chucky did it first, but it's still funny. Bad smells are funny.)

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Guy holding wine glass & hand 'under the table': pearl necklace! pearl necklace! pearl necklace! almost there....!

Guy holding wine glass & hand 'under the table': pearl necklace! pearl necklace! pearl necklace! almost there....!
And by the look on his face, he know's exactly which of the women he's going to give it too

Here dear, let me pour you some wine. (thinking: no one will ever suspect I'm poisoning him with all these people here)

Um, thanks, honey. (thinking: the bitch she's trying to poison me in front oof all these people so she has an alibi).

[Guy on the end] (thinking: after she poisons him, I'm going to give her a pearl necklace).
