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Can ASHRAE meetings, lunch and learns and other product demos be considered PDH's?

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2015
Reaction score
Portland, OR
I have a co worker that puts down ASHRAE lunch meetings down for PDH's. He hasn't been audited but in my opinion those don't qualify, correct me if I'm wrong.

Never mind. Found it, you can, maz of 8 hours.


Continuing Professional Development

The purpose of professional development requirements is to demonstrate a continuing level of competency of professional engineers, land surveyors, and photogrammetrists.

(1) Requirements:

(a) Every registrant is required to obtain 30 professional development hour (PDH) units during the registrant’s current biennial renewal period in order to renew for the next biennial renewal period.

(b) Every registrant will report their PDH units on the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Organizational form and submit to the Board office with the renewal form and fee. The CPD Organizational form must be completed in its entirety.

© Supporting documentation to verify the PDH units recorded on the CPD Organizational form must be submitted to the Board office when requested to participate in an audit. Supporting documentation may include, but are not limited to:

(A) Completion certificate(s);

(B) Paid receipt(s);

© Attendance log;

(D) Other documents supporting evidence of attendance.

(d) The CPD Organizational form and supporting documentation must be submitted to the Board in English or translated to English.

(e) Records must be retained for five (5) years.

(2) PDH units must be obtained in qualifying activities related to the individual’s registration. A qualifying activity is any course or activity with a clear purpose and objective which improves, or expands the skills and knowledge relevant to the registrant’s field of practice or practices.

(3) Non-qualifying activities may include, but are not limited to:

(a) Regular employment;

(b) Real estate licensing courses;

© Personal, estate, or financial planning;

(d) Personal self improvement;

(e) Service club meetings or activities;

(f) Equipment demonstrations or trade show displays;

(g) Topics not relevant to engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetry professions;

(h) Enrollment without attendance at courses, seminars, etc.

(i) Repetitive attendance at the same course;

(j) Repetitive teaching of the same course;

(k) Attending committee meetings or general business meetings of any organization;

(l) Taking professional or required examinations.

(4) Units — The conversion of other units of credit to PDH units is as follows:

(a) 1 College Semester hour equals 45 PDH;

(b) 1 College Quarter hour equals 30 PDH;

© 1 Continuing Education unit equals 10 PDH.

(5) Sources of PDH units — One (1) PDH unit may be obtained for each contact hour of instruction or presentation. Unless otherwise noted, there is no maximum amount of PDH units a registrant may earn per biennial renewal period. Sources of PDH units include, but are not limited to the following:

(a) Successful completion of college courses;

(b) Successful completion of short courses, tutorials, correspondence, web based courses, televised and videotaped courses;

© Active participation in seminars, in-house courses, workshops, and professional conventions;

(d) Teaching or instructing a course, seminar, or workshop one time only. (This does not apply to full-time faculty teaching college courses);

(e) Authoring or co-authoring published papers, articles or books. Maximum of 10 PDH units per biennial renewal period;

(f) Active participation in professional or technical society, committee, or board. Maximum of 8 PDH units per biennial renewal period;

(g) Self study. Maximum of 6 PDH units per biennial renewal period;

(h) Mentoring of engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetry topics to a nonregistered individual not under your supervision. Each 10 hours spent mentoring equals 1 PDH unit. Maximum of 4 PDH units per biennial renewal period;

(i) Non-technical educational activities related to the registrant’s employment;

(j) Developing, writing, or scoring an engineering, land surveying, or photogrammetric mapping examination for licensure or certification. Maximum of 15 PDH units per biennial renewal period.

(6) Determination of Credit — The Board has final authority with respect to approval of courses, credit, PDH units for courses and other methods of earning credit.

(a) The Board will approve without listing courses which are sponsored by nationally recognized technical societies and those technical societies listed in 820-001-0000(4)(b)(A) through (E) and (4)©(A) through (H).

(b) Credit determination for activities is the responsibility of the registrant and is subject to review by the Board.

(7) If a registrant exceeds the requirement in any renewal period, a maximum of 15 PDH units in courses/activities may be carried forward into the next renewal period.

(8) Delinquent, retired or inactive registrants must complete PDH requirements as outlined in OAR 820-010-0520 in order to attain active status.

(9) In the event a registrant holds a license in another state that has a lesser PDH requirement than Oregon or no PDH requirement, the registrant will need to satisfy Oregon's 30 PDH requirement to renew the Oregon license.

(10) Multiple Registrants. The number of PDH units required shall remain a total of 30 PDH per renewal period for persons who hold registration as an engineer, land surveyor, and/or photogrammetrist.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 670.310 & 672.255
Stats. Implemented: ORS 672.002 - 672.375
Hist.: BEELS 2-2000, f. & cert. ef. 2-17-00; BEELS 5-2000, f. & cert. ef. 10-19-00; BEELS 3-2002, f. & cert. ef. 11-13-02; BEELS 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 1-28-03; BEELS 6-2005, f. & cert. ef. 12-13-05; BEELS 2-2006, f. & cert. ef. 11-21-06; BEELS 2-2007, f. & cert. ef. 4-5-07; BEELS 5-2007, f. & cert. ef. 9-20-07; BEELS 1-2009, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-09; BEELS 1-2010, f. & cert. ef. 5-12-10; BEELS 2-2011, f. & cert. ef. 5-12-11; BEELS 1-2013, f. & cert. ef. 3-13-13

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I usually only count those if I'm going to be short on more technical PDH's.
