Camara Practice Exams

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Active member
Jan 7, 2019
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What are everyone's expierence with the Camara exams? I feel like there are quite a few errors in his exams (i've only gone through the first one). Does anyone else feel this way? 

Hello! I wrote up my opinion of all my resources (located here). I was not in love with the Camera stuff. I do remember some errors in the solutions, or mostly just a LOT of skipped if there was something you didn't understand, the solution didn't really help because it skipped a lot of steps.

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Hello! I wrote up my opinion of all my resources (located here). I was not in love with the Camera stuff. I do remember some errors in the solutions, or mostly just a LOT of skipped if there was something you didn't understand, the solution didn't really help because it skipped a lot of steps.
Thanks for that, I agree with what you said about the camara exams, its similar to the graffeo in that its testing you on looking up stuff thats in their reference manual. That being said, i do find the questions to be different and good practice. I also agree that they skip steps, and some of the power (apparent, reactive, etc) they use the wrong formulas or neglect a phase shift.
