California outlaws plastic bags

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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So as a scuba diver I agree there is way too much plastic floating around our oceans.....

so my yeah but moment is..

Yeah But didn't you stinking hippies get everyone to ditch paper bags for plastic 20 years ago cause it was somehow bad for the trees? Trees are a renewable resource (there are more trees in the US today than there was when the Spanish / Columbus landed here to rape and pillage)..

I didn't read the bill but I am assuming this applies as just grocery stores? What if you go to Toys R Us? no one takes their own bags to retail type stores??

Next I can see for cities like LA, they are probably going to use other tax payers money to give them those cool re-usable bags? Can you see the same folks that hijack buggies (shopping carts to those of you not from the south) and leave them at their apartment complex, are they going to use those cool reusable bags? maybe in Malibu..

another fail for California, in Boulder they charge a 3 cent tax PER plastic bag to discourage the use, and they make out like a bandit at the same time.. CA could have gone that route and would at least maybe make a little money..

Good initiative.. piss-poor judgment

i take reusable bags to target (5 cent discount per bag) and aldi since you have to buy bags whether they are paper or plastic. I would use cloth bags at walmart too but their little turn style thing for the bags isn't really conducive to using reusable bags. I tried once and it was a huge mess. I also don't want raw meat in reusable bags...that is just asking for trouble.

if i remember to put the bags in the car I have used them at places like toysrus too.

we also have reusable bags, we do use them, but I don't think I should have to pay a tax or fine if I forget them one day or need to stop by after work and pick something up either....

I think the planet would be better off if we had just stuck with paper bags (renewable and they can decompose)

i take reusable bags to target (5 cent discount per bag)
Does Target promote this? I discovered this totally by accident when I stopped into Target to grab something and happened to have my reusable grocery bags with me because I was going to go to the grocery store next door afterward. I think this is a good way to encourage people to use reusable bags. It doesn't feel like you are being penalized for not bringing your own bags in, but you do see a (slight) monetary benefit for doing so.

I've seen a lot of grocery stores do the $0.05 thing, but never have I seen it advertised.

My wife uses totes from 31. Apparently, they make purses and backpacks and totes and bags and we HAVE to own one of each color. I have to admit, they are pretty good quality stuff, but good night do we need that many?

When we have a "good" month using the reusable bags we then seem to run out of bags to use for small trash cans around the house....

The Kroger we go to gives out paper bags freely so we try and use them when we forget the other bags...

So if I go to target and buy a snickers I can request .50 off if I don't ask for a bag?

So if I go to target and buy a snickers I can request .50 off if I don't ask for a bag?
It's a 5 cent discount, not 50 cent, so you aren't going to get a free candy bar that way. ;)

I've only had them give it to me one time, and I had a reusable bag with me. Target bags are nice, so we usually go out of our way to not bring our own bags to target.

My wife uses totes from 31. Apparently, they make purses and backpacks and totes and bags and we HAVE to own one of each color. I have to admit, they are pretty good quality stuff, but good night do we need that many?
My wife has the same thing. I joke with her in the Xzibit way of " Yo dawg, I heard you like bags, so I got you a bag to carry your bags while you're shopping for bags". She doesn't think it's funny.

My wife uses totes from 31. Apparently, they make purses and backpacks and totes and bags and we HAVE to own one of each color. I have to admit, they are pretty good quality stuff, but good night do we need that many?
My wife has the same thing. I joke with her in the Xzibit way of " Yo dawg, I heard you like bags, so I got you a bag to carry your bags while you're shopping for bags". She doesn't think it's funny.

Those things are expensive (but yes high quality).. I have a tote and a lunch bag that match and then the wall hanging organizer and a gym bag... that's all I need. I do have to say that the gym bag IS freaking awesome.

Oh yea, forgot we have the backpacks, lunch boxes and wall organizer too. Sheesh!

We have the bins in the closet, but mostly just the totes. She only really uses them in the back of her Jeep to keep the stuff in the plastic bags from sliding all over the place.

I don't know what size tote mine is, but it was a gift so I bought the lunch bag to match and they are perfect for work for me. It fits a gallon jug of water, my lunch and all my paper work and shoes and the pockets are great for things like my toothbrush and lotion and stuff... not too sure I could see any bagger at our grocery store load it well though. I do use the reusable bags for grocery shopping and keep brown paper bags in the car as well in case I forget, but I started that as part of the couponing and just kept doing it. For our BIG trip about once a month, we ask for plastic so we can line the trash bins and litter box with those bags.

when I worked in Boulder (the city charges you .03/ bag if you use plastic bags) I would go walk around target at lunch a lot and you would see people walking out (who had forgotten to bring their own bags) trying to carry all their shit in their hands, usually spilling it everywhere, cause they were too cheap to pony up and pay the cities bag tax..

Do like you do at Costco/Sams Club and just put the food back in the cart. The only thing the bags help with is getting the food inside once you get home.

I don't think the Boulder people were that smart.... I never bought much, just mainly killed time while I dreaded going back to work!

I don't think the Boulder people were that smart.... I never bought much, just mainly killed time while I dreaded going back to work!
Oh, checking out "the people of Target", eh? Kinda like a live "people of WalMart"
My 31 totes are a hit with the checkers, because the bags are so sturdy. I sold the stuff to get the discount and then quit. We have bags for days.

My mom has been using reusable bags since easily the early 90s. Once a year we would get paper and that was to cover my school books.
