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I always wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but let's be real, I'm probably a Slytherin. Ugh.
I took the test and i'm a Ravenclaw. aren't they basically engineers?

from online:

  • Ravenclaw Traits. Intelligence. Wit. Wisdom. Creativity. Originality. Individuality. Acceptance.
And my patronus is a Newfoundland.


I still haven't received the surveying email!! Anyone in the same boat? Freaking out because I feel like this means I failed (due to additional attachments) 

I still haven't received the surveying email!! Anyone in the same boat? Freaking out because I feel like this means I failed (due to additional attachments) 
Just relax. The first email doesn't have any attachments

I haven't got mine yet. Will they send out this evening or it will be tomorrow??
