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Passed Seismic, but not surveying :(  first attempt at both. Already passed the 8hr last October.

Ahhhhh I just want this to be over with! *sigh*

TFW you work in structural for 2 years and somehow fail Seismic but pass Surveying on your first try.

GB did you already do fingerprints. 

I'm letter C, out of state, no prints yet... didnt get mine either

I failed Structures Depth portion of 8 hr exam (20/40 Afternoon). I am looking to find out what class to take other than School of PE for helping me study and increase the scores. School of PE helped me for the morning portion but didn't help much in the afternoon. Any helpful ideas much appreciated in advance. Thanks!
I took the online Testmasters course (watched the videos and did all of the problems) and then took the NCEES and Goswami practice tests. With that prep I was able to pass the structures depth on the first go.

My husband took the in-person Testmasters course and passed the construction depth (but he had to do some extra studying as the Testmasters course was really good with some subjects but was not incredibly helpful for the construction potion of the exam).

We both used our Testmasters notes a lot during the morning and I used my notes a lot during the afternoon portion as well.

I hope that helps. Good luck on the next go!

I'm out of state and just sent in the fingerprint cards recently.  


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