Anybody out there who passed but his/her name not on the Database yet?I am in panic mode right now. I am yet to receive my letter and from the looks of it, its going to be in a thick envelope.
Man, I'm with you. I let out a loud distressed yell (= crying like a baby! heheh) this morning when I checked the database, and I saw that a bunch of people I took it with were listed as passing, but my name was not showing up. If they passed, surely I should've passed too! Surely I demonstrated that I'm at least 'minimally compentant'. I felt pretty good about the exam.
As of yesterday, I haven't recieved my letter... Maybe it'll come today.
My last hope is that not all letters were sent out friday; that some letters were sent out Monday; and that, as the PELS website indicates, the database isn't updated until the passing letter is sent out..
The PELS website does say "EXPECTED schedule for mailing of letters 7/16/2010"; and word last week from PELS was that they'd be sent sometime this week... so maybe (hopefully) they are being sent in batches? ....
sigh, seems like wishful thinking, but it's all i have left to go on...