Bike Month

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Yep. Like last week a day or 2 of decent weather than rain the rest of the week. I wish it would rain during the week and not the weekends...


Bike rack worked perfectly and the mid seventies 10-speed is upside down in the basement letting WD-40 soak on the chain.

Seemes to be some chain jump, but that may be a result of a stiff chain, since the bike's been sitting a while. Tires seem to hold air fine.

I'll ride it a little this afternoon and see if that's been solved and whatever other issues there are. I know I have to clean up some rust/waterdisoloration on the rims/tires.

Rode about 18 miles hauling MiniBuff 1 behind me on the mountain bike yesterday, got 10 miles in today on my newly tuned road bike during lunch today. I'm happy.

Only bikes we have in our garage belong to the kids. I tried riding my son's 16" bike, and I ended up almost getting a faceful of asphalt. My parents still have my old bike from highschool, but it's sat idle for so long I would have to replace/repair everything except the frame itself.

^probably not. Those things are simple and rugged. Oil the chain, maybe new tubes.

If your just looking to futz around, look around and see if you can find a cheap (free) ten speed from the 70s.

I broke out my hybrid this morning to ride to work. I need to clean it up as the sprockets and chain are still covered in dirt from Moab last November.

It's Bike to Work Day today. It was a bit cool on the ride in with a short-sleeved shirt (50 degrees), but not too bad. I'm allergic to something along the way, though, because after every ride my eyes start burning and my nose starts running. I suspect the lilacs. It's not going to stop me from bike commuting, but hopefully they'll stop blooming soon.

I heard on the news this am that a bunch of interstate lanes were backed up cause some idiots decided to ride their bicycles on the interstate (illegal here in Georgia- and not very smart) cops had to go out there and get them off the road..

Ha, that's pretty dumb. There aren't many places where bicycles are allowed on the interstate--and even where they are I'm not sure I'd want to ride on the interstate.

I would hope so.. i could have swore i saw bike signs on the interstate in Colorado but maybe it was just a limited access non federal road?

No, it's not illegal on all interstates. Areas in Colorado, Wyoming, ND, SD, Arizona, Alaska and some other states allow it. Basically places that are really rural, and/or where there is no other way to get form here to there (mountain passes, bridges).

Here's a link to a map of bicycle routes in AZ: From this you can see bicycles are allowed on most of the interstates there, except in the heavily populated areas around Phoenix and Tucson.

Still, if I'm somewhere where the speed limit is 75 and semis are flying by. . .not sure I want to be riding my bicycle there even if it's rural.
