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Time to alleviate us of all these phrases, and if I may suggest to you Tom, please quickly find and eliminate these:



Lubrication failure

Ring Expander

Shaft (especially when combined with Thrust)

Orifice gauge

Back-end wetness

Head loss

Good lay

Butt Plug




Ram Rod





12 inch studs







Rear Entry Nozzle

Thank You Tom, this filth just does not belong at this site, you are the best.

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Are you trying to share something personal with us, being as though it is a large hardon collider?
Crossing swords is something Tmack should definitely look into.

Time to alleviate us of all these phrases, and if I may suggest to you Tom, please quickly find and eliminate these:



Lubrication failure

Ring Expander

Shaft (especially when combined with Thrust)

Orifice gauge

Back-end wetness

Head loss

Good lay

Butt Plug




Ram Rod





12 inch studs







Rear Entry Nozzle
What? No reaming?

I find it passing queer that T-Mck has selected an avatar akin to 'Sally' from Cars - I guess its more manly than the rainbow flag thing he had going on before (not that there's anything wrong with that)

I wave the :BS: flag - you're a facsimile / sham / charade - an inventive, timely appearance every now & again to keep the noobs tuned in perhaps?
you know... I am begining to think you just may be right EM... this guy is nowhere near prolific enough to be the real deal....

Or maybe he's just got some serious storm water modeling going on, so he cant post as much as normal...


Why does it say strucutral as your discipline? I thought nothing was as hard as stormwater modeling... are you doing structural now? I always figured you liked to play with members!

you know... I am begining to think you just may be right EM... this guy is nowhere near prolific enough to be the real deal....

Or maybe he's just got some serious storm water modeling going on, so he cant post as much as normal...

I think he's JR! Shhhhhh!
or maybe he gave up the firewater & hence lost his posting mojo

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^^^^ Do not think so. McKidiot is like that.

He will come and go. I remember his style. He will pop up usually after 10:30PM, when he is drunk, or when he is out of his medication.

It's definitely not me ... I have been working today though the end results look like I was goofing off.



I werent around wen u was her the 1st time, so I'm tryin' to figure out what is 'propriate and what ain't. Is this friendly reminder no longer allowed?

Let's want us to be professional on here and somehow not discussing engineering topics means that we are not professional. I thought I would break down the definition of professional to see if the Shoot the Breeze section conflicts with professionalism.

pro⋅fes⋅sion⋅al  /prəˈfɛʃənl/


1. following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.

I get paid, therefore I am a professional.

2. of, pertaining to, or connected with a profession: professional studies.

We are all connected to engineering and studies related to the FE and PE.

3. appropriate to a profession: professional objectivity.

Depends on who you ask.

4. engaged in one of the learned professions: A lawyer is a professional person.

I am an engineer, therefore I am a professional person.

5. following as a business an occupation ordinarily engaged in as a pastime: a professional golfer.


6. making a business or constant practice of something not properly to be regarded as a business: “A salesman,” he said, “is a professional optimist.”


7. undertaken or engaged in as a means of livelihood or for gain: professional baseball.

I get paid, therefore I am a professional.

8. of or for a professional person or his or her place of business or work: a professional apartment; professional equipment.


9. done by a professional; expert: professional car repairs.



10. a person who belongs to one of the professions, esp. one of the learned professions.

I am an engineer, therefore I am a professional person.

11. a person who earns a living in a sport or other occupation frequently engaged in by amateurs: a golf professional.


12. an expert player, as of golf or tennis, serving as a teacher, consultant, performer, or contestant; pro.


13. a person who is expert at his or her work: You can tell by her comments that this editor is a real professional.

I am an expert at my work.

Conclusion: By's definition, acting professional does not require any specific or special behaviors or requirements on how a professional conducts himself.

The REAL TMack would be logging on in about another hour or so, drunk or otherwise under the influence, and posting away like mad. Half of his posts would be new posts with polls that made no sense.

I'm waiting....

But if it really is you, Tom, can you help me with a problem I am having regarding pre-treatment options for stormwater infiltration systems? My question is this: the rules say pre-treatment volume must be met separately from the water quality volume, ahead of the infiltrators, but I have a vendor who is trying to convince me that they can jsut wrap two rows of infiltrators with filter fabric, call them "isolator chambers", and meet the pre-treatment volume within the water quality volume. What do I do?

You must not be incorporating proper stormwater design principles into your site layout, if you find yourself in need of underground pretreatment.

Pretreatment is simply not needed when you apply proper green design techniques and design your project to be 'clean.'
