Are we becoming like ppl in Wall-E

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I couldn't help but think....Where would that EVER be practical? I think the 2 girls tearing each other's clothes off would have certainly been more appropriate than the art museum theme.

I was only able to catch snipets of the video, for some reason my home computer was having troubles with it. I second the feasibility of it. also those girls were feather weights, what is a realistic weight limit for those things probably something way lighter than the average weight of Americans today.

Can you imagine how annoying these things would be if everybody had them? Everybody would be on their cell phones scooting around and not paying attention.

Can you imagine how annoying these things would be if everybody had them? Everybody would be on their cell phones scooting around and not paying attention.
then we could see video of a woman driving one of those into a fountain while texting instead of just tripping.

Will it force unicyclists down a different career path?
