Saif, a person should never give up on anything. Just because something is difficult and requires time does not mean that it is not meant for a person. Some people may require five attempts before passing, but that experience may make them become an expert as well as build character.
so true , this was my third attempt and its not like i don't study or i just go there for just sake of going,,,,,,, i have been studying sincerely for two years now, giving up everything ,,,,,, my life is holding off due to this exam...... ( may be i am not that smart lol but i try my best) but with every attempt i feel myself more close to my goal. this is not something i forget today and dnt have to look back again. today or tomorrow,,,,,,,, sooner or later i have to give this exam ,,,,,,,,,,, so why not FIGHT till i reach there............ so keep on trying ,,,,,,, and trust me this not at all easiest thing to do. it take lots of efforts and support ! most of the people at my work place got there PE on not less than 3 or 4th attempt and it very very normal thing.
so never give up !