April 2018 15K SPAM thread

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Ugh! That sucks. We have an open floorplan, so no cubes. Just half-raised desks (not quite standing). We're a small office, so it works pretty well.

Do you have a filter on your monitors? I use a filter add-on called f.lux that adjusts the warmth of my screen per the daylight hours. I have a similar thing on my smartphone, too.
I can't install things without IT approval and passwords. (Gross)  Also, I have a giant ass north facing window that lets in tons of light.  I don't know if I would notice if the lights were off except on the days where it is overcast, or partly sunny and the light changes. I don't usually turn the lights on when I come in on the weekends.

I can't install things without IT approval and passwords. (Gross)  Also, I have a giant ass north facing window that lets in tons of light.  I don't know if I would notice if the lights were off except on the days where it is overcast, or partly sunny and the light changes. I don't usually turn the lights on when I come in on the weekends.
Looks like you're going to have to start wearing sunglasses indoors! Get some MASSIVE Prada ones.

I still have too many heinekens from last party still in my bar frig.  I didn't buy them so its kind of free beers which are the best.  I will try white claw once I finish off the two cases of beer on result night.

What the heck happened to you?
It was literally Tuesday night in December - the day after I found out I failed the October exam - and I was a few glasses of wine in (this was before I convinced my liquor store in DC to carrry white claw obviously) and trying to hang up Xmas lights. Fell off my chair (to be honest it was 80% chair’s fault, 20% wine’s fault) and slammed the back of my head on my hardwood floor. Threw up immediately and then fell asleep. Went to work the next morning and my leg director saw me and was like ok we’re going to the hospital ASAP. I was v v v concussed. Kind of comical looking back on it now

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