Apple vs FBI

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If Apple would have done this, I (and I would think most people) would be fine with it.  I don't have a problem with Apple saying they don't want to give the Gov't the ability to get in to any iPhone they get their hands on, but when they have a device that could clearly have ties to national security, i.e. terrorists' phone, then there's no reason why they shouldn't be willing/able to do that.

But, I saw reported yesterday that the FBI has been trying to get Apple to unlock several other phones for over a year, but those others were filed in private, so no one publicly knew about it.  Now the FBI has deliberated blown this particular case up in the media, trying to use it as leverage to get the secret sauce to unlock all the other phones too.  Of course, the public mostly think it's a good idea because it's a terrorist IN THIS CASE, but then as MA pointed out, you unlock this one and Pandora's box has been opened.

I think it's shameful the gov't is trying to exploit this situation for their own benefit.

Just playing devils advocate--

Whats the difference then when the govt gets your cell phone history from cell towers to prove you were at a murder location?

The latest article i read said that the FBI/government tried to change the password on the guy cloud account which essentially locked everything.  Had they not done that then Apple could've easily retrieved the data that they want.  The government wants Apple to write code that allows them access to the locked cloud data and provide that code.  That's where Apple has drawn the line and said "no". 
