Apple vs FBI

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone following "the FBI asks Apple to develop a hack to unlock the San Bernardino terrorist iphone" story?

Hard to believe that apple doesn't really have this ability to unlock their own product? Maybe they don't..

I can see the point they are trying to make in telling the FBI no, but at the same time I just cant believe they don't already have the ability to do this. Going to be an interesting court case..

Interesting indeed. I'm with you on calling BS that Apple can't do what they are being asked. Sounds like an excuse so they don't have to.

I thought they were refusing based on privacy. Guess I need to do some more research.

^^ Agreed.  It's essentially like getting a search warrant to go through their (digital) home.

interesting, so the Judge has already ordered Apple to develop the software (don't you go to jail for refusing those judges?)

also kind of sad that our FBI/CIA/NSA folks cant crack a phone?  Putin must be laughing pretty hard..

It's pretty apparent that the software/technology exists within Apple (and I would expect it to).  The key here is who controls that technology.  It seems to me that the Government is using this case to obtain the technology and therefore it would no longer be solely under Apple's control.  Apple is not concerned about the consumers or their privacy they're only concern is to maintain sole possession of the technology to unlock their products.

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Been following this a little.  I also saw that Google has (surprisingly) sided with Apple on their opposition to provide the technology.

and FWIW I don't blame Apple for taking that stance.  Once you give something to the gov't...Pandora's box has been opened.

Apple should take the phone and download all the data and then give the gov't the data, I think it's unreasonable for the gov't to demand the technology to extract the encrypted data themselves. 

As you said initally, it's kind of surprising the someone in the gov't doesn't already know how to do this. Maybe they do, it's just that in order to reveal the data and use it they needs to disclose how they got it (and it needs to be legal).

If Apple would have done this, I (and I would think most people) would be fine with it.  I don't have a problem with Apple saying they don't want to give the Gov't the ability to get in to any iPhone they get their hands on, but when they have a device that could clearly have ties to national security, i.e. terrorists' phone, then there's no reason why they shouldn't be willing/able to do that.

Apple should take the phone and download all the data and then give the gov't the data, I think it's unreasonable for the gov't to demand the technology to extract the encrypted data themselves.

Why does Apple need to be involved at all?  Clearly the best approach would be for the FBI to consult with  [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]@THELEAKEDHACKERFORUM[/COLOR]


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Statistically speaking that is the most likely choice though, right?  

