Anyone have their OSHA 10 or OSHA 30 certifications

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I was once fast and scrappy, then lost my s's
May 19, 2016
Reaction score
I have taken a bunch of internal safety training, but I am thinking about getting OSHA 10 and 30 just to make myself more "marketable".  Has anyone used this for PDH requirements.

Any comments would be appreciated.

I also have a OSHA 10 hour, not strictly corporate requirement, more like local leadership requirement.  I got that you should not touch electrical things, go in confined spaces, or sniff chemicals out of my 10 hour.    And stay away from openings of any kind.  To answer your other question, I did my 10 hour before I got my license, so I did not use it for PDH.  We do have a group who does MSHA training every year - that is like 24 pdh's.

I just finished OSHA 10.  I really did not learn anything I already did not know.  Our projects are Design-Build , so I guess I am part of the "Engineering Controls" process that tries to eliminate the risks.

Just asking again if anyone ever used this for PDH's?

Also, what would have happened if Mr. Sex and the City (Ferris) decided to play Theaterwide Biotoxic and Chemical Warfare instead of Global Thermonuclear war.   

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I'm OSHA and MSHA certified. I think it just depends on where you land if it will have any benefit or not. In my experience it basically means you watched a lot of videos from the 1980's showing what not to do. The biggies, CPR, Lock out/tag out, PPE, hydrate and don't climb on stuff. 

I have my OSHA 30 Certificate.  At the time I received this certification my licensing authority, the state of Michigan, did not require PDH accrual for relicensing so I did not use it. 
