Any terrible exam day experiences?

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I bought anhydrous caffeine and took some before the test and at lunch. That did wonders. Although I didn't take any during the test because I didn't want to explain to a proctor what type of white powder I was ingesting.

I bought anhydrous caffeine and took some before the test and at lunch. That did wonders. Although I didn't take any during the test because I didn't want to explain to a proctor what type of white powder I was ingesting.
haha...that would be one hell of explanation. Possible police will be called!

Or someone saw you ingesting some white powder in your car!

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Nothing terrible in OK.

I didn't sleep well. But a new bed (didn't want to risk breaking down on the 2.5hr drive that morning), and being away from my wife (not used to sleeping alone).

Almost forgot to leave my phone in my car - remembered before they started the 7 dozen warnings about phones though.

Lets cut the bridges and let it float away, so I can have beachfront property in Philly.

Why would anyone want to live go there is beyond me.

Why would anyone want to go there is beyond me.
I agree with all the above! Work for the military and NJ was the only state I was associated with before, so I figured that was my best bet. I realized after the application went through that I could have applied to Oregon and only had to fly to Tokyo to take the test. oh well....

My exam day experience wasn't horrible but the week leading up to it was less than ideal...most of which was my fault.

I planned ahead and took the week prior to the exam off to give me lots of time to cram before the exam. I had the breadth portion of the exam down pretty well and intended to focus on the depth portion during the last week (with a week off I figured to get about 20 hours or so of studying in and I had already done 10-20 hours for the depth portion). The unexpected portion began when my wife who is a stay-at home mom constantly chasing a very active 1-1/2 year old really, really needed a vacation before her next baby and there was no other time we could do it. So, I decided to multi-task and go somewhere close on vacation for a few days before the exam and fit my last minute study time in during the vacation. What ended up happening was that a work emergency came up and instead of studying for the exam I worked on fixing a project documents that had to issued in my absence. I didn't crack a book until for 2 weeks until I finally got home and got set to study on the day before the exam.

The day before the exam, I took a full 8-hour practice exam and didn't a score high enough to pass. This was especially disheartening because I had used about half the questions as quizzes during my study prep so I had an advantage that I wouldn't have during the actual test. Late in the afternoon I dove into cramming for the PM section of the test and tabbing the CERM. I also realized my afternoon references were insufficient and looked desperately for a couple text books I knew I had but couldn't find. I ended up driving to my parents house and finding one of the two books. Got back home and studied until 9 or 10 and then went to bed since I had to get up at 4:45 the next morning to make the long drive to the testing site.

Unfortunately, my 1-year old had a rough night and I was sleeping lightly anyway because I was nervous about the test and worried I'd sleep through my alarm so I got only about 3 hours of sleep. Got to the test site fine and the morning session went great (that portion of study I had done in an organized and thorough manner). During the lunch break though I just crashed. Sleep deprivation caught up with me and I went into the afternoon session exhausted and with a headache. The afternoon session was way harder than I expected and there were very few questions I knew how to do. I spent the afternoon making educated guesses and trying to focus in spite of my desire to sleep. I walked out of the test pretty tired but with not much hope of passing.

I ended up passing but it definitely wasn't a comfortable experience. Glad I don't have to do it again.

Man, there are some crazy stories in here. Aside from the actual exam, my day was a cake walk. I even found an old co-worker I hadn't seen in a couple of years and we ended up having lunch together.

I had to pump breastmilk during the breaks with a female proctor sitting 3 feet away from me, two days in a row. Anyone want to beat that?


This thread is great. It makes me thankful for my experiences.

This past April, the worst thing that happened was that there was random, continuous shouting outside our hall in the afternoon section. Apparently there was a crossfit gym on site, and they were doing their workout outside. The proctors would occasionally walk over and look out the windows to see what was going on, and one point security went over, but for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why they weren't stopping whomever was shouting outside. Later, when I found out it was crossfit related, it made a lot more sense.

Otherwise, it was just uncomfortably cold inside. Thankfully, I'd brought a jacket and lightweight scarf, but when I went outside for the break, I was so hot initially! I felt a tad silly, is all.

My PE wasn't bad.  The worst parts were the chair has a weird slope to the seat that took some time getting used to, and the was prep space behind the exam room where people were getting ready for a lunch in the adjacent room banging pans around.  And it smelled like lunch.  Then in the afternoon someone set up a wedding reception outside of the exam room, so we had to leave our room, and cut through a different room so we weren't wheeling all of our things through the reception space.

The FE however (the fist time at least) there was a pool tournament going on in the hotel I took it in.  There was loud music, and you could hear the doors bang open whenever people would go outside to smoke (which you could smell in the room.  It was awful.

This past April, I stayed in a hotel by the stupid interstate, and I swear it sounded like motorcycles were going by my window all night.  Then, an effing bird decided to sing outside my window THE ENTIRE NIGHT.  I'm not even exaggerating.  I thought they only did that around dawn - he should have his bird card revoked or something.  Then, it sounded like someone was stomping around in the room above me most of the night.  I was afraid to use the earplugs I brought with me in case I didn't hear my alarm in the morning.  I did not sleep well, lol.

Exam day was good though - the Pennington Research Center in Baton Rouge was nice and quiet, comfy as far as temperature went, and had a big clock on the wall.  All my fellow exam takers were really courteous and quiet, too. this thread!

My worst experience was October 2015...left at 6:00 for a one hour drive to the exam site. Arrived at said exam site at 8:04...mmhmm. Some poor soul decided to flip his truck on the interstate that morning. I felt so bad for the poor security guard at the exam hall that had to deal with my sobbing and carrying on, that I almost went back with a box of chocolates. I didn't, but kept an eye out for the same guy this time around - I didn't see him, perhaps he quit or asked to be reassigned  :mellow: .

This time around I stayed in a hotel about 5 miles away from the exam site, and even then I left about an hour earlier than I needed to.

Other than my own stupidity - the exam hall was ok, no clocks anywhere, but pretty chatty and friendly proctors.

Here's my story. 

Studied my butt off like most here. Studied all of Christmas vacation (2 weeks), and took the week off from work for the exam to study. 

The night before, couldn't sleep. Much like the op. Also bought five hour energy for the first time in my life. The fiancee' works by where I was testing so we decided she would drop me off. Double checked my crate of books and supplies before she picked me up. All was good.

I was exhausted and still waking up during the drive, I didn't have my cell phone so we were going to meet at a decided spot by the testing center at 6pm. She dropped me off early, all was well.

Brought my crate of books in, sat down for the exam, and 5 mins before testing I noticed my crate was a little empty. What was missing? My Graffeo book. Where I had all of my notes and equations as well for specific topics. Not to be found anywhere else. My heart dropped, my stomach felt sick. All that work and studying, and I was missing the formulas for 20% of the test. 

The horror. Anyway, I take the test with what I have, skip lunch since I'm so depressed, and push on. Finish the test on time and go out to meet the fiancee at the predetermined spot.

Carry my 50 lb crate of books to our spot and sit down. 1 hour goes by. 2 hours go by. Where is she? My brother told me to meet him at our favorite bar 5 minutes ago! I'm depressed, haven't eaten a bite all day, and want to go. Cop stops by and let's me borrow his cell. I'm so brain dead I can't remember anyone's number. I call my house phone and leave a message. Somehow my brother was late and caught it, calls my fiancee and tells her where I'm at.

She arrives, I'm furious ....where have you been? Turns out I remembered the wrong place. My fault. Looked in her car and the book slid under her seat when I got out in the morning.

Drive to the bar and my brother through a congratulations party for me. Family, friends, a coworker.... Had to break the news to them that I may have not passed. Had a few beers, wound down, and went home. On my bed a card from my bro, "congratulations you are the best" or it should have said. That message was scratched out and "condolences" were written on the card. I still got to keep my presents. He went all out. What a shitty day.  

Lay down. Depressed. All that vacation, and this happens. Promised my deceased father before he passed that I'd get my PE and I failed him. I'm also getting married in September, had little vacation remaining to study again, and studying in the summer with a wedding would be horrible. Time for bed.

Time goes on. The next week sucked. Another 4 weeks later, surprise promotion. Very large raise. Today...


A story for the children and grandchildren, and a very good night sleep tonight. Thanks for listening, and yes, all true. 

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For the October 2014 exam I lost 5 reference binders from my blunder (I only had 8 references total with those so their loss was keenly felt). So i used JB weld and better binders for the exam this April.
My story was horrible, but that may take the cake. Sorry to hear that your binder was screwed up. I hope you passed that next round! (Edit I just noticed this was a 2015 post)

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the week of the exam, I got seriously sick... could not focus, tried to study problems and work through to get solutions...

finally the day before the exam felt better... went into the exam morning session went well... Lunch break... Got something in my eye, Eye started burning, took out contact rinsed, etc... not better, Than started to feel nauseous... Time to get back into test, my eye still not better, stomach upset, 1.5 hours into test, could not see out of one eye, other eye started to get blurry, stomach not better, Im exhausted from trying to focus on test questions and not panic...... once the time was up... eye was better, stomach felt  

My wife gave birth the weekend before the exam. 3 days later, the newborn got a 102 degree fever, and so we were all in the hospital pretty much the whole week. I took the exam unable to do any of my last-minute studying, utterly concerned about by new-born, and on little-to-no sleep.

The exam location was OK, but one of the proctors was wearing a god-awful perfume that was making me nauseous.

Not to brag, but I somehow managed to pass.

My wife gave birth the weekend before the exam. 3 days later, the newborn got a 102 degree fever, and so we were all in the hospital pretty much the whole week. I took the exam unable to do any of my last-minute studying, utterly concerned about by new-born, and on little-to-no sleep.

The exam location was OK, but one of the proctors was wearing a god-awful perfume that was making me nauseous.

Not to brag, but I somehow managed to pass.
You must be on cloud 9 now with a pass in hand and (hopefully now) a healthy baby


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