Ammonia & Freon Tables?

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Apr 30, 2006
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MERM Chapt. 33, Prob. 6 & 7 reference ammonia and freon-12 as refrigerants. Are these refrigerant tables in MERM?? If so, I can't seem to find it. Please let me know where it is or where I can find them. Thanks.

MERM Chapt. 33, Prob. 6 & 7 reference ammonia and freon-12 as refrigerants. Are these refrigerant tables in MERM?? If so, I can't seem to find it. Please let me know where it is or where I can find them. Thanks.
R-12 starts on A-55 but I could not find ammonia information in MERM either.

MERM Chapt. 33, Prob. 6 & 7 reference ammonia and freon-12 as refrigerants. Are these refrigerant tables in MERM?? If so, I can't seem to find it. Please let me know where it is or where I can find them. Thanks.
No you won't find these tables in the MERM. You need an ASHRAE Fundamentals book for this. I highly suggest taking all 4 ASHRAE books to the exam, especially if you are taking the HVAC depth.
