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Oct 16, 2011
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I am taking the Civil PE exam (transportation depth) in two weeks. I have worked and studied over and over the NCEES 2008 (am, transport, geotech, and water resources sections), NCEES 2011 for transpo, 6-min soln breadth and depth for transpo, and 6-min soln for breadth for geotech, water resources, and structural. I feel confident with most everything from NCEES, and ok on the 6-min soln (6-min solns questions are phrased kind of confusing to me). I also took the Testmasters class in March so that I could have all summer and fall to work example problems using techniques and info provided from the class. I have mastered where everything is in the monstrosity of a notebook they provide you by working all my problems from there and using the CERM and All-in-1 when I need extra information on the topic. I also have ALL of the recommended references for transpo (HCM, Green Book, MUTCD, RSDG, ITE,...) which i have only opened and flipped through for about an hour earlier tonight. With all that said, I still feel unprepared. Any advice/thoughts from those who have passed on what o can do to better prepare?

Same i feel sometimes...the more i study the more unprepared.....but still believe will be OK

I just hope my time spent studying will worth the time

good luck to everyone

Thanks for your replies, I guess I am just getting myself confused and overthinking everything. After working all those problems I felt confident in myself, then after going back through them several times, I am finding more and more stuff to confuse myself with. For example, I understand the concept behind stopping sight distance (brake reaction + brake distance, basic examples NCEES 127 & 132). Then adding on a notch of difficulty with the 6-min solns #29-34 and #85-89 with the train station problems, skid problems, and normal SSD problems. All use basically the same equations and different variations of it. Then I get to the train problem NCEES #518 where you have completely different equations. So I keep telling myself with everything we covered in Testmasters plus all the problems I have worked, I should be 95% prepared for any question they could ask since most of the basics should be covered throughout the sample problems, right? I guess my next question would be, on the afternoon exam, should I be covered with all the problems I have worked and when would you know that the question is looking for something more than the basics covered (requiring you look up in reference manuals) in the problems I have worked?
