Actual Headlines vs Fox News Headlines

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Dexman PE PMP

Internationally PMP'n his PE-ness
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
A friend posted this on Facebook earlier and I thought several of you would find it entertaining:


There are definately a few embelished for the "shock factor."

I'm sure the CNN headlines were fair and balanced during the GWB presidency. Gotta love the two party polarization glasses. You can see bias against your position, but never see it against the opposition.

yes go back and watch The Daily Show a few years ago compared to the softball jokes they make against dipshit, I mean Obama today...

A good plan today is better than the perfect plan tomorrow, apparantly Obama is waiting on a really, really, really perfect plan...

The sad thing is that with the state of journalism today, I've found that often the headline has nothing to do with the article. In some cases, I thnk headlines got switched from the stories.

The person who writes the headline and the person writing the article are almost never the same individual. I think it's pretty rare that the headline author actually reads the article in the first place.

How biased (in either direction) do you think AP and Reuters reporters are? I really don't pay that much attention, but I don't believe that any reporter (or human, for that matter) is completely unbiased. But I would expect the beat reporters for the wire services to be as fact-oriented as possible and to keep their own opinions out of the stories. If that is the case, all that CNN or FoxNews has to insert their bias is to change the headline to suit their readership.

Despite the fact that the articles are identical (and even primarily unbiased), a simple change in headline can change the entire feel or direction for the reader. If the reader sees something emotionally charged (either good or bad), they will take the rest of the article to be the same and you can use the same bit of information to back both sides of the argument.
