500 years forward or 500 years back?

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I want to go to...

  • 2510-take me to the future!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1510-take me to the past!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
Reaction score
An evil mastermind has forced you into a time machine. You're given a choice of two destinations: 2510 or 1510. You'll also be given the equivalent of $100,000 in 2010 US dollars; skills to practice a trade that would let you lead a middle-class lifestyle for the era; language skills so you can read, write and converse fluently in the English used at the time; and a briefing upon arrival so you can be somewhat familiar with the customs, values and mores of society at the time. You also get to choose where to arrive; for example, if you currently live in North America, you can choose to be arrive in the UK, and not the middle of a battle between Indian tribes. Where do you go?

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Well, seeing as most of us would expect to be dead by age 35-40 in the year 1510 from poor medical, food storage, and living conditions, I would have to say 500 years in the future. Maybe then George Bush VIII or Clinton IX will be office...

BTW, what is the futre? How is that pronounced?

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That's a tough one. but since the world is supposed to end long before 2510, I choose 1510. all joking aside I think i would still prefer the 1510.

Considering that $100,000 in today's money would probably be worth 100 times more than that in 1510, I would go back to then and live like a king! I could see how aspects of that life might be pretty cool. As to where I would want to go, probably Spain since it was the world power at the time.

I voted the future, because if the evil mastermind has figured out time travel, in 500 years it should be plundered by Microsoft and Google and be available at 7-11. then I can go grab a history book, and then hop back in time to 2010 and put whatever money I have left on the 2011 Superbowl and make "fatty money"

Also, I second the sex-bots

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I chose the past. Assuming I could take my present knowledge with me, and the fact that I would be one of the wealthiest people in the world, I would invent some stuff, like pipes, generators, light bulbs, basic sanitation and drinking water facilities, and use those things/the money that I earn from those endeavours to improve the quality of life of people in the world. I think I'd choose to be placed in the US, and I'd use $10,000 to buy an army to defend me from the Indians, or Native Americans.

I chose the past. Assuming I could take my present knowledge with me, and the fact that I would be one of the wealthiest people in the world, I would invent some stuff, like pipes, generators, light bulbs, basic sanitation and drinking water facilities, and use those things/the money that I earn from those endeavours to improve the quality of life of people in the world. I think I'd choose to be placed in the US, and I'd use $10,000 to buy an army to defend me from the Indians, or Native Americans.

$10,000 would likely have to be used to defend yourself from being burned as a witch/heretic on account of your inventions.

I picked future, but it would be nice to know if there is something there... ie. like if I'd be the only human on the planet.

So, pick if you want to live in a time where I'd be at a ripe old age RIGHT NOW, or at a time when nothing may exist? That's a toughie - sex bots included.

Future, definitely future.

I think.

I'm picking the future. Warm beer sucks and I'm too lazy to invent refrigeration.

what's the equivalent in beaver pelts to $100k?? 20-25?

$100k in 2510 is probably going to be something like $1000 Noro (i.e. Euro, in North America)... Hell, for that matter we may be back to trading beaver pelts....

Hmm.... Future.... Maybe on the West coast, you know, in Utah or Colorado... (post-California falling into the ocean, or sliding up into Canada)...

This is a trick question. The world is going to end in 2012.

I'd probably pick 1510 in the UK. As long as I was a nobleman and could hang around the palaces and have my way with any wench I chose.

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Screw the future and its sex-bots (figuratively, not literally). With that amount of coin, I'd be gettin' me some of dem real to life wenches in the 1500's. No bot-lovin' here. And no, I'm not romo (Futurama reference).

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Screw the future and its sex-bots (figuratively, not literally). With that amount of coin, I'd be gettin' me some of dem real to life wenches in the 1500's. No bot-lovin' here. And no, I'm not romo (Futurama reference).

You'd also be gettin' you some of dem real to life ye olde kiddos... unless of course you invent the ye olde goatskin prophylactic.

Don't forget the future hotties, too. Milla Jovovich in the Fifth Element comes to mind.

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Tough choice. I went with the future. Not sure what the equivalent of $100,000 2010 US is in 1510, but I don't think it would be very much.... Also, I'm not a history buff, doesn't that put you right in the middle of the crusades....

The 16th century:


A few highlights:

Mona Lisa Painted

Nostradamus born

Christopher Columbus dies

The Statue of David is created

Leonardo di Vinci dies

The Sack of Rome (considered the end of the Italian Renaissance.)

King Henry VIII

William Shakespeare

Creation of the Gregorian Calendar

Queen Elizibeth I

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Screw the future and its sex-bots (figuratively, not literally). With that amount of coin, I'd be gettin' me some of dem real to life wenches in the 1500's. No bot-lovin' here. And no, I'm not romo (Futurama reference).
You'd also be gettin' you some of dem real to life ye olde kiddos... unless of course you invent the ye olde goatskin prophylactic.
Not to mention ye olde STDs.

I say let's give rrpearso the $100k and send him back to 1510. That way he'd have his fatty money, and be out of our hair. We all win!!

he can have my share too. I'm going to the future and live in a comfy caveman exhibit in the zoo.

You'd also be gettin' you some of dem real to life ye olde kiddos... unless of course you invent the ye olde goatskin prophylactic.
Who cares you just toss the kids and the wenches out of the castle or behead them. not a problem

It's good to be the king!
