50 worst inventions

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Autotune, if used correctly, is a great invention for singers (and audiences).

Virtual Boy tennis was sweet.

And ANYONE who has ever seen the video of Olivia Munn in the Hula Chair knows that it should be on the 50 GREATEST inventions of all time list.

Virtual Boy tennis was sweet.

And ANYONE who has ever seen the video of Olivia Munn in the Hula Chair knows that it should be on the 50 GREATEST inventions of all time list.
I think a link is in order here.....

Can't open video here at work. Just Google "Olivia Munn Hawaii Chair".

It's sad that the hydrogen blimp was on that list. Hydrogen wasn't even the CAUSE of the fire. Hell, the blimp could have been filled with helium and it still would have come crashing down. The blimp's ungrounded, inflatable "balloon" portion caused the spark and its aluminum powder ignited. Hydrogen is not to blame.

But this is Time magazine. I respect all of their thoughts. :rolleyes:

Is the Vibrating Ab Belt really an invention? How can something that does nothing be an invention? Other than the pet rock of course... those things ruled! :)

That's an entertaining list, if nothing else. I enjoyed the write-up on Farmtown. Nice honesty from the reviewer!

Blast you, Farmville. The most addicting of Facebook games is hardly even a game — it's more a series of mindless chores on a digital farm, requiring the endless clicking of a mouse to plant and harvest crops. And yet Zynga, evil geniuses behind this bizarre digital addiction, say more than 10 percent of Americans have logged in to create their online homestead. How many hours of lost productivity does that translate into? Tough to guess. But for me, personally, at least dozens. Sorry, TIME.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages...l#ixzz0pCDwcZdf