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Oh my word - the school just inadvertently send a phone message to all parents saying "your child is not in school today". :wacko:

'Boy' was another one I didn't know was racial until my twenties.
That one I *did* know. However, us white folks could use it with impunity on each other.
This is one that I did not know. It's amazing how many slurs are out there. You could get labeled as racist and not even know why.
When i went to work with the AF, they gave us noobs a cultural sensitivity class. One of the slides was a list of racial slurs. The instructor said if anyone wanted to know what they were for, feel free to ask and she'd explain.

I rapidly came to the conclusion that southerners didn't know many slurs for italians and Jews.

way to go Ble!

rack up those TOPs while Wil's not looking!

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must have been a temporal distortion in the space time continuum, I blame Dleg and his flux capacitor.

Somebody is deleting posts. That BS happened in the 10k too.
Uh oh. That's not good for you.
I don't care. I just hope whoever it is plans on going back through and re-doing the ToP count. I'm not going to keep doing it if people are deleting posts just to be a dick.

I don't even ski. What do I need with a binder strap?

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