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There are a lot of really bad craft brews out there, which really makes it harder to find the good ones because no one has the patience to try them all

Thus making beer more and more bitter
I just had one the other day in celebration of passing that was approx 100+ IBUs (international bittering unit), the one i'm currently ferementing ~115IBUs

According to the beer scientists the human tongue cannot distinguish the differnce between anything over 100 IBUs

I've had enough different IPA's (at least ones highly recommended by IPA lovers) to know I just don't like them.

Thus making beer more and more bitter
I just had one the other day in celebration of passing that was approx 100+ IBUs (international bittering unit), the one i'm currently ferementing ~115IBUs

According to the beer scientists the human tongue cannot distinguish the differnce between anything over 100 IBUs
And most don't care for beer above 60

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