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I brought my two monitors at home, as well as a bunch of files, back in March. I too thought it was a temporary situation, but I figured my back would be happier with me if I set up a good ergonomic space at home.  I brought a big ass suitcase with me to pack everything in, and my coworkers made fun of me, but WHO'S LAUGHING NOW? (no one. no is laughing now :p ).

What sucks is we're moving out of our downtown space next month. I understand why we're doing it, but I really enjoyed being downtown. I'm heading back in a couple of weeks to clean out the rest of my cube and it's gonna look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland in there.  I haven't been to the office since March.
Wait...no downtown?  But, but, how will we meet up if you start working remotely all the time?

i seriously consider going back for a different field (nuclear physics in case you're wondering) 
That's amazing. I always said I wanted to become a career student when I'm retired. But now, I'm thinking about teaching after I retire. But I really love my field and would like to become a research expert in it.

That's amazing. I always said I wanted to become a career student when I'm retired. But now, I'm thinking about teaching after I retire. But I really love my field and would like to become a research expert in it.
i took an advanced physics class for fun my junior year (in my quest to have a dual minor that didn't come to be because of the sexist semi-conductor professor). and that's when i realized nuclear physics was enjoyable. but alas, there are no schools near me with a BS in physics - one has a BA and i'm just like "wut? why? what's the point?" and i don't do online learning well

i took an advanced physics class for fun my junior year (in my quest to have a dual minor that didn't come to be because of the sexist semi-conductor professor). and that's when i realized nuclear physics was enjoyable. but alas, there are no schools near me with a BS in physics - one has a BA and i'm just like "wut? why? what's the point?" and i don't do online learning well
Would this just be for fun or are you looking to change career fields?

I had two Physics majors as roommates in college.  One is now a professor of nuclear physics in Japan and the other is a merchant mariner.

Would this just be for fun or are you looking to change career fields?

I had two Physics majors as roommates in college.  One is now a professor of nuclear physics in Japan and the other is a merchant mariner.
if it was feasible, it'd be to switch careers.

but since i don't have school options near me, i'd only be able to do it if i moved (i wanted to try to do school part time & keep working)

i don't mind my current career. i can only see myself in T&D (current), energy, or nuke somewhere. so i'm not unhappy where i am. 

My dad studied nuclear physics! Granted, it was a long time ago. But he did it because the Navy was paying his way for college (he was an officer) and then he went and worked on nuclear submarines for 5 years. Then he left the Navy and went into electronics, and then eventually, financial planning. This was a long time ago.

Okay, that wasn't super related to you, Lycee. But, just to say, complete career changes are TOTALLY possible. My dad did it twice, the second time, when he was almost 50 years old and had two young kids.

if it was feasible, it'd be to switch careers.

but since i don't have school options near me, i'd only be able to do it if i moved (i wanted to try to do school part time & keep working)

i don't mind my current career. i can only see myself in T&D (current), energy, or nuke somewhere. so i'm not unhappy where i am. 

So are you thinking along the lines of nuclear energy?  Kind of curious because I haven't heard of anyone going into that field in a long time.

So are you thinking along the lines of nuclear energy?  Kind of curious because I haven't heard of anyone going into that field in a long time.
It'd be cool to do nuke energy. I actually started a masters in NukeE and that's how I learned I don't do online learning well. But also doing research at one of the labs was what I wanted to do originally. 

I'm jealous! I've spent a LOT of money out of pocket for the P.E. prep, and now for S.E. prep too. But I guess that was my own choice, in some ways. However, I've never been reimbursed for codes I've had to buy for MY JOB, either. And it's impractical to have codes shared on an office basis. You'd probably need one copy of each code per nearly all employees! At least my codes are fully mine, I guess.

/End rant
The only codes we have individual copies of are the AISC, but most of our codes are digital these days.  I do have my very own ASCE and ACI 318, but that is for testing, because we had multiple people who need the physical copies. Plus I can deface them.  ;)  Work paid for one of my SE courses, and I paid for the other.

My dad studied nuclear physics! Granted, it was a long time ago. But he did it because the Navy was paying his way for college (he was an officer) and then he went and worked on nuclear submarines for 5 years. Then he left the Navy and went into electronics, and then eventually, financial planning. This was a long time ago.
That must have been a logical jump encouraged by the Navy at some point in time...  my Dad studied Electrical Engineering when he served and then worked on the subs only to return to school when he got out and major in accounting and continue that career until he retired about ten years ago. 

I thought about joining the army corps of engineers after school but I wound up getting an internship one summer during senior year and liked working there so I changed my mind. 


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