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MI sucks on the C64. Never did know wtf I was supposed to do anyway besides not get zapped by the robots. There's a YouTube video that shows someone beating it in 15 or so minutes. I never would have figured it out.

Jumpman FTMFW!

I think NetZero was later than 1994, at least 1999 or so. But yeah those Compaq were real pieces of trash.

I used to host LAN Parties circa 1997 and a guy had a brand new one (he purchased from Sears I believe) and as soon as he logged in --Duke Nukem would run noticeably slower. We all harassed him for like a year until he got a new PC.

I got NetZero in 2002 when I didn't feel like paying $50/month on something I didn't use that much. Wasn't bad for the price.

Yeah I think we started with at&t / bell south and then moved to netzero later.. It was a pain in the ass and slow but it was free...

When i was in high school, I used to love playing BOLO and Loderunner on the Apple IIes in the computer lab. 1984.

We got our "first" computer as a used hand-me-down from some office one of my relatives worked at. Came with Windows 3.1 and we thought Paint Brush was the coolest thing ever! A friend of mine and I turned it into a project to try and get it on the internet, which failed. Later on after I learned a good deal more I built my own system and was able to get online using a 56k modem (fastest you could get). I was cheap so I also went with Netzero back when it was offered for free. Always had trouble though and it was generally slow but you couldn't complain since it was free. Never did jump on the AOL bandwagon though a lot of my friends had it. Anyone ever remember the "turbo" button some of the older machines had? LOL

Having 24/7 instant connection in college was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
So true. Didn't know what to think with having internet ALL THE TIME! Then we discovered Napster. <--- mind BLOWN! You mean we can get any song we want, for free????

Compaq Presario rocked the hizzouse back in 1995.

486SX2/66, 40 MB HDD, 4 MB RAM, 14.4k modem, and 14-inch SVGA monitor. Got hooked up with the AOLs and played many, many hours of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Tie Fighter, and Myst on it. It was also the first time I had ready access to pr0n. It was a nice rig for a 16 year old.
My aunt and uncle had one of those. Always went over to their house to play the good games. Oregon Trail was part of the mix among others mentioned above (aside from the pr0n...lol).

Got a 300 baud modem from Radio Shack.

A couple years later I bought a used 2400 baud modem from a friend
Thanks for not saying "baud rate". :thumbs:

Fortran 77. Ugh. :lamo:
Assembly was worse...

prior to that purchase the only other computer I had was a commodore 64 when I was a kid, didnt connect to the interent but I had a "floppy disk" of a pirated strip poker game we used to play before parents got home from work.. that had to be middle school years maybe??







╬╤╤╤╤╤╬ PITFALL



╬╧╧╧╧╧╬ V8.6.1


































OOOooohhhhh you landed in a bed of spikes…. You lose

My first online game was Command & Conquer. Many hours were wasted playing that, Warcraft & C&C Red Alert.

I think our first home email address was an @ix.netcom.com. They later merged with Earthlink and Mindspring, I think.

I also a had a telnet account before my university had full scale and user IDs and email so that I could get onto the computers there...that was before just anybody could eavesdrop on your password.

Crap, I'm getting old.


I actually remember the telnet system. Same for us before Outlook/Web mail became the standard. It was a pretty crude system.

I think our first home email address was an @ix.netcom.com. They later merged with Earthlink and Mindspring, I think.
I still have a Mindspring account (since 1998 or 1999, I think). Went AOL, then SouthCarolinaSuperNet, then Mindspring.

I remember our first computer. We had Zork and Starfleet as the only games. Zork was a text based game and you had to read descriptions of where you were (no pictures) and then you would have to input commands in a certain syntax:

Me: "Go north"

Computer: "You see an axe and some flowers"

Me: "Pick up the axe and put it in the backpack"

Computer: "backpack unrecognized"

Me: "Pick up the axe and put it in the knapsack"

For some reason I found that game really entertaining.

I think when we got Windows 3.1 we got Prodigy and could go online, but I don't remember doing anything with it.

When I got to college and didn't have to dial up to the internet I was totally amazed. At Clemson we had Eudora as an email program. I wonder if that's still around.

^I think they stopped updating Eudora a couple of years ago. I used it for a while at my present employer.
