20 year HS Reunion this weekend

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Road Guy

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2006
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actually its our 21st Reunion, but no one wanted to plan it last year..

We skipped the 10 year, but I always thought the 20 year reunion would be worth going to..

Will all the jocks be fat and bald?

Will all the Band Nerds be internet millionaires??

Cant wait to find out to be honest!

I'm renting a chrysler lebarron convertable and telling everyone that I invented post it notes ;)

with the invention of facebook class reunions are sort of moot now. I kept in touch with friends after high school, and facebook lets me see what my classmates have been up to with out all reunion nonsense. Even one of the biggest gang bangers from high school now has a family and is attending college.

I went to my fifth and tenth. Realized that they were pretty much the same people they were back when I didn't want to associate with them in HS, so I decided never to go to another one. They must have felt the same way because I never got an invite to another one.

We just had our 30th...I didn't go. But we had a facebook "Group" started so I did get to see how pretty much everyone got fat and bald. Our cheerleaders at one point attempted to do a pyramid, but I can promise you there was NO WAY it was going past the second row. On top of that, we actually had TWO members of that class pass away THAT WEEK! one died from a heart attack the Friday night, and people found out when they tried to contact him to see why he didn't show up.

I went to my fifth and tenth. Realized that they were pretty much the same people they were back when I didn't want to associate with them in HS, so I decided never to go to another one. They must have felt the same way because I never got an invite to another one.
Went to my 10th in 2008. Didn't recognize anyone, and they didn't hand out name tags. I eventually just started asking who was who.

They all had the same story. "Well, I went to school for a bit, but that didn't work out. I worked a few odd jobs here and there. Dated a girl for a while but we broke up. I'm, uh, living at home for a bit while I figure out what's next."

A HS friend that I reconnected with a few years ago convinced me to go to our 10 year reunion. They handed out name tags with your senior portrait on them. There were prizes at the end of the reunion, and I got most changed. I actually lost weight, shaved my head, lost the glasses, and grew about a foot since my senior year. I do still see a lot of my classmates around town. They are usually serving me food at the local eateries.

Guy that sat next to me at HS graduation is in prison for videotaping himself having sex with a 14yo and a (gulp) 2yo. His wife watched. Nope, no desire whatsoever to hang out with them.

In fairness, most everyone in my class is either a doctor or a lawyer. They weren't all scumbags, but I bet if I looked them up in court records I would see numerous charges.

My high school 20-year is this month. It's being held at the local country club, but not in the banquet hall... in the indoor/outdoor bar area.

For the 10-year, I was living 1200 miles away and did not attend.

So what's the deal with attire?

Do I wear a suit?

I was thinking suit but not a dark color.

I went to my 10 year HS reunion a couple of years ago. I had a good time catching up with some old friends that I haven't seen in a while, but there were definitely some losers that I'm glad I no longer have to be around. For the most part the folks that showed up at the reunion had been very successful and had moved away from our hometown. It was fun and I would probably do it again if we have a 20 year if I'm able.

I grew up in a preppy, affluent, image is important, college is a must, sort of town. Most of the people I went to school with still turned out to be total meatballs.

I commuted to college, and subsequently, the same school for my masters. I'd run into people from HS after I got my first engineering job. They asked what I was up to, so I told them I was working for a local civil engineer and getting my masters at night. I'd inevitably get a 'Well isn't that great for you.' spit at me. Uhh, yeah, it was.

When you only graduated with 16 other people, reunions are rare. There have been cluster reunions spanning multiple years, but I've only been to a couple. Had a few beers, toured the new buildings, and talked cars with one guy who graduated 6 years before me. The only people I really care about seeing anyway are my old teachers. Some are cool as crap and are still around, but didn't show up to the reunions. Years ago on occasion, I dropped in on a typical school day to chit chat with them in the teacher's lounge.

^ yeah I only had 25 in my class. I still keep in touch with my friends. The rest I can find at Walmart whenever I go home.

Every so often all the people my sister and I worked with at the pool will get together for a Lifeguard Reunion. I think it'd be cool to have a swim team reunion. I enjoyed the folks I worked and played with at the pool. Hmmm...the forty year anniversary of the pool is next year....

with the invention of facebook class reunions are sort of moot now. I kept in touch with friends after high school, and facebook lets me see what my classmates have been up to with out all reunion nonsense. Even one of the biggest gang bangers from high school now has a family and is attending college.

facebook has changed things. When I can't find a former classmate on there, I start to wonder if they're dead.

I dread that with my upcoming reunion... finding out which of my old friends are tough to reach because they are deceased. That will suck. Part of me would rather not go and not know.

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