$2 / Gal Gasoline as OPEC tries to kill US Fracking.....

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Still $4.05 here. That pisses me off: oil has dropped over 50%, and our price has dropped only 20%. Nice profit, Exxon-Mobil and Shell.

They're high, yes, but when oil drops 50%, I expect more than a 20% price cut.

If by local tribesmen you mean corrupt local politicians who live in mansions and drive Lexuses (Lexi?), then, yes.

Still over $3 here too. Very few stations hovering just below $3 on the road system. Bush villages are running $6 to $10 per gallon unleaded due to the order date and shipping times.

filled up at 1.96 with the shell freq card. the other two were at 2.19 so I'm not sure if shell dropped prices early or was late to the raising game. still a full tank for $34 is nice!

Local stations were $1.97 here Wednesday. It's pretty nice being able to put more than a half-tank in my truck without swiping the card twice at the pump.

I have the feeling this is the calm before the storm so we better enjoy it. Whenever the gas prices come back up, and they will, will rise to the sky.

Am sure the OPEC is planning their payback.

I don't know, the United States now exports more oil then we import. I think we're looking pretty good, thanks to a lot of private ingenuity. I'm surprised that there hasn't been more effort by US environmental groups to stop this to be honest....
