Teachers suspended for Black History Month display

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Three Los Angeles school teachers have been suspended for giving children pictures of O.J. Simpson, Dennis Rodman and RuPaul to carry in a Black History Month parade.
Los Angeles school district spokeswoman Gayle Pollard-Terry said Wednesday the teachers were removed from their classrooms at Wadsworth Elementary School. She says the teachers, who are white, could have made a more appropriate choice, such as Oprah Winfrey.

She says the school held the parade Friday, with children from other classes carrying photos of black heroes such as Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman and President Barack Obama.

The three teachers have been placed on administrative leave until an investigation is complete.


"Pacman" Jones, Terrell Owens, Shawne Merriman, Chad Ochocinco, Gilbert Arenas, or any number of upstanding pro athletes...

Which month is Austrian History Month?

Let me know where my parade is.

Funny that minorities don't seem to see the hypocrisy the Black/Hispanic/Asian Celebrations.

I mean if you really want equality you can go having events celebrating race and call it a celebration of diversity.

And I hold the following in high regard: Nelson Mandela, Harriet Tubman and President Barack Obama, but calling them great Black or African People seems like a slight against them.

No one calls Albert Einstein a Great White European Scientist.

I tell my wife that all the time. People drive around this island all the time with window decals and T-shirts proclaiming "Chamorro Pride", but imagine how it would be received if I put a "White Pride" sticker on my car? People just seem to accept that attitude as long as you're not white. I say only white - not "majority" - because where I live, the islanders are by far the majority, yet they drive around proclaiming their racial identity.

[SIZE=18pt]Chamorro Pride ![/SIZE]


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And why would these teachers even care, what were they making like 50 cents an hour.

Because some people do their jobs because they love thier jobs, not necessarily because they make "fatty money." Do you have ny idea how much goods and services would cost if everyone made $200k?

And why would these teachers even care, what were they making like 50 cents an hour.
You should look into what teachers and school administrators earn in your neck of the woods. The principal where I went to high school (a podunk town in Oregon) earns over $100k. And check out the number of paid holidays (12) and vacation days (25). I will bet teachers and school administrators make a hell of a lot more than you do. So before you make another statement about the salary of another profession, I encourage you to perform a little research. I'm sure that won't be too hard for an engineering graduate who is looking at going back to school for an advanced mathematics degree.


And why would these teachers even care, what were they making like 50 cents an hour.
You should look into what teachers and school administrators earn in your neck of the woods. The principal where I went to high school (a podunk town in Oregon) earns over $100k. And check out the number of paid holidays (12) and vacation days (25). I will bet teachers and school administrators make a hell of a lot more than you do. So before you make another statement about the salary of another profession, I encourage you to perform a little research. I'm sure that won't be too hard for an engineering graduate who is looking at going back to school for an advanced mathematics degree.

I was shocked by how much a teacher really does make, what with all the bitching about their pay and constantly harping on the taxpayer that we don't support schools enough. I don't suggest that they work for minimum wage, but with the amount of time off they get, insurance and other benefits, they seem well compensated IMHO.

Plus as long as they keep their hands off the students, it isn't like they are ever going to be fired.

And why would these teachers even care, what were they making like 50 cents an hour.
You should look into what teachers and school administrators earn in your neck of the woods. The principal where I went to high school (a podunk town in Oregon) earns over $100k. And check out the number of paid holidays (12) and vacation days (25). I will bet teachers and school administrators make a hell of a lot more than you do. So before you make another statement about the salary of another profession, I encourage you to perform a little research. I'm sure that won't be too hard for an engineering graduate who is looking at going back to school for an advanced mathematics degree.

I was shocked by how much a teacher really does make, what with all the bitching about their pay and constantly harping on the taxpayer that we don't support schools enough. I don't suggest that they work for minimum wage, but with the amount of time off they get, insurance and other benefits, they seem well compensated IMHO.

Plus as long as they keep their hands off the students, it isn't like they are ever going to be fired.
Really? My wife taught and the pay was not grand by any stretch. especially when you consider routine 12 hour days, working on the weekend and working over summer to maintain accreditation. And the insurance and benefits weren't stellar.

Granted, it is completely different in union states, but you're painting with a mighty broad brush there.

And, if it weren't for the vast majority of teachers being pretty good, we wouldn't have gotten what we needed to become engineers.

And why would these teachers even care, what were they making like 50 cents an hour.
You should look into what teachers and school administrators earn in your neck of the woods. The principal where I went to high school (a podunk town in Oregon) earns over $100k. And check out the number of paid holidays (12) and vacation days (25). I will bet teachers and school administrators make a hell of a lot more than you do. So before you make another statement about the salary of another profession, I encourage you to perform a little research. I'm sure that won't be too hard for an engineering graduate who is looking at going back to school for an advanced mathematics degree.

I bet they do to because I am working for peanuts right now. That statement was not ment as talking down but talking on an even plane as another professional in a different field that can relate. My benifits are imaginary (I have an HSA in case I get shot or something crazy, but otherwise its expensive for me to go to the doctor, my dental is decent, my 401k and/or pension does not exist), I make SLIGHTLY more than other degreed professionals but not nearly enough for what is involved with an engineering degree/PE, most people dont have the apptitude to major in or practice engineering yet the pay is not all that. I dont think everyone and there brother should be making 200k but for a profession that represents less than 5 or so percent of all college graduates and only about 25% of the US is college educated (BS/BA or higher) I would think the pay would be better than only 30% more than the median income of any given area, its not like engineer salerys are dirac deltas of their communities.

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Kudos for finding the spell check. But your underlying message is still the same, tired, thoroughly rebutted drivel.

You have to admire the dedication.

My wife is a rn, BSN works real 12 hour days and randomly cleans up ****, blood and lots of other stuff most people wouldn't do and she makes about the same as a teacher who gets 10 weeks off to recharge their intellectual batteries.

You have to admire the dedication.
My wife is a rn, BSN works real 12 hour days and randomly cleans up ****, blood and lots of other stuff most people wouldn't do and she makes about the same as a teacher who gets 10 weeks off to recharge their intellectual batteries.
The one upside with an RN is they can work pretty much anywhere there is a hospital or doctors office. An engineer (at least certian disiplines) can only work in certian areas becuase of the uniqueness of our work, you would think that with that uniqueness would come high salery. Civils and maybe mechanicals would be the exception but other engineering disiplines have pretty unique carrer fields which require them to work in only certian areas.

Kudos for finding the spell check. But your underlying message is still the same, tired, thoroughly rebutted drivel.
Its time to put you on ignore, im not certian why you even waste your time to post since your posts are non engaging. You really dont have anything interesting or engaging to post.
