Trick or Treaters

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Capt Worley PE

Run silent, run deep
May 4, 2007
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We had about twnety this year, which was about what we had last year. When we first moved there in '98, we had between 75-100.

While the trick or treaters were generally better mannered (they all said 'trick or treat' and 'thank you'), and all except one group of four made some attempt at dressing up, they were a really messy crowd this year. We found candy wrappers, used (yuck) tissues and, yes, even empty alcohol containers in the yard.

I think next year we're just gonna decorate our house for our own amusement, then cut off the lights on Halloween and not give out candy.

empty alcohol containers? How old were your Trick otr Treaters?

We had maybe ~20 but they were all little kids (say 10 and younger) out with their parents.

The weather was amazing for this time of year. Pushing 70 with fairly strong winds. It was almost balmy. Great night to be outside. On Sunday it dropped about 30 degrees.

We had about half of what we normally had. So, we have tons of candy left over.

My poor belly............

We had about 60 trick or treaters this year, but it was raining right during the prime trick or treating time. We live right on the main road in the town everyone in the area goes to on Halloween. Normally we would have over 200! So we have lots of candy left over too. If anyone wants any, PM me your address and I will ship it to you...I'm not joking.

I had zero (0) trick or treaters this year. I always turn my lights out and draw the blinds so that people know I'm not giving out candy, but there are usually a dozen or so that still ring the doorbell every year. I was really surprised that nobody did so this year. At one point, I heard some kids' voices right below my window, so I thought for sure that I had been egged, TP'd or pumpkined, but I didn't have any vandalism either. All-in-all, it was a successful Halloween.

My wife and I dressed up Mini-ble and then hung out at my brothers house since he's on a busier street. By the time we had to leave to give Mini-ble his bath, there had been about 5, but it rained most of the time. Once we left, the rain stopped and a lot more kids came out, so we missed the rush.

Our neighborhood sponsors a big downtown daytime trick-or-treat event with the businesses. They set-up a small haunted house, some jumpy-castles, and then block off mainstreet and allow the kiddos to go door-to-door with all of the businesses. It ran from about 3-7 and was absolutely packed. That night I think we ended up seeing about 20-30, but we live in a quiet, out of the way cul-de-sac.

we didn't give out candy, we walked around with my wife's cousin's little ones.... but my mom (same general neighborhood) said she lost count at 350ish

My mother said she had 150+, which is a lot for that area. They had perfect weather though. MIAF and I attended a party ourselves, but the weather was terrible down here.

we didn't give out candy, we walked around with my wife's cousin's little ones.... but my mom (same general neighborhood) said she lost count at 350ish
Holy crap, that's a lot of kids. Did you mom crack the $100 barrier on buying candy for them?

I had less than a score, but more than a dozen. we left for a party and cut off the lights around 8:00, left the rest of the candy on the porch (offering to he Halloween gods) but none of it was taken when we got back.

we had a big turn out considering the rain.. I normally dont beleive in handouts to beggars at my door, but all in all I gave out about $40 bucks worth of candy.. to many twilight costumes for me this year..

we had a big turn out considering the rain.. I normally dont beleive in handouts to beggars at my door, but all in all I gave out about $40 bucks worth of candy.. to many twilight costumes for me this year..

How exactly DOES one dress like a gay vampire?

There are not many kids in our subdivision. So we only had about a dozen or so. All polite with a Mom or teen-age sibling with them. When I was still on active duty and living on base; holloween was a big event; every house was passing out candy, as well as libations for the adults! That is one of teh things I miss about the Corps....


Holy crap, that's a lot of kids. Did you mom crack the $100 barrier on buying candy for them?

I'll have to ask... but she usually goes cheap and stingy on the candy... I saw she had 4 or 5 big bags of candy... just not the "good stuff" (Hershey's, Reese's,etc,etc,etc).... she gives out Tootsie Rolls and small Tootsie Pops, gum, misc stuff no one really likes... and typically, she's the "1-piece per kid" kinda person... I'd say she probably hit the $50-60 mark

In my town they pretty much close down the whole town (about 1100 people) and have firetrucks at the major intersections/crossings and the 1 cop patrolling around... Most of the kids aren't even from my town... But most of the adults dress up in someway and the take is usually pretty good... I remember when I was little we'd take pillow cases to get candy, and fill them most of the way up with everything from Reese cups to cans of pop to apples.....

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I'll have to ask... but she usually goes cheap and stingy on the candy... I saw she had 4 or 5 big bags of candy... just not the "good stuff" (Hershey's, Reese's,etc,etc,etc).... she gives out Tootsie Rolls and small Tootsie Pops, gum, misc stuff no one really likes... and typically, she's the "1-piece per kid" kinda person... I'd say she probably hit the $50-60 mark
That's a little better. But damn, 350 is a lot of kids.

I used to hit my neighborhood and the adjoining one with my dad. We'd have 2 of those plastic pumpkin heads, and I filled both of them every year. I seem to remember a couple of years where we filled them both in one direction, made a pit stop at the house to empty, then headed in the other direction and filled them again.

we have two days of trick or treating. Last yr we only had about 30 kids, this yr we had well over 60, I ran out of the goldfish cracker things I bought and started passing out dumdums suckers.

We're new in this city - was expecting to get absolutely hammered by trickortreaters (like 300+), but really saw no more than 50 kids +-. So yeah, lots of left over candy. Our kids made out like bandits (in addition to the leftovers). Weather was cold & blustery, but no reason why it was so 'dead' - next year I'll know, scale back on candy purchase :rolleyes:

I wonder how many trick or treaters the flu season wiped out? My mother usually lets kids pick out what they want and just reach in, but this year she just pre-bagged the stuff and dropped it in herself to prevent grubby little germ hands from getting everywhere.


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