What older woman do you think is hot?

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Rachel McLish (1st ever Ms. Olympia) 52 yrs. old


Nah, she's good to go, especially for being in the 50's.

she is a little muscular, but was Ms. Olympia for crying out loud, she'd have to be.

That is back when female bodybuilders were still feminine, they are bigger than me now, and it's pretty nasty

If 40 years old is the cutoff for "older" actress, then Salma Hayek is at the top of my list.........waaaayyyy at the top.

Stacy Dash.....she's 41 now and played a teenager in that movie with Alicia Silverstone......Clueless.

Demi Moore

Halle Berry is 40 now

Meg Ryan until she screwed up her lips

anyone watch the "real housewives of orange county"

theres a couple on there that are not too bad, and then what the hell happened to the ex playboy playmate?

Flipping through the channels last night and came across Face/Off with Nick Cage, John Travolta, and .........


Gina Gershon.......44 and WOW.......she's near the top.

She's actually younger than me, but I'm partial to Diane Lane since "Unfaithful."

If we're talking OLDER, then one who still looks good...Hellen Mirren. Still looks pretty good for 65 anyway, but give any woman a machine gun (ala the movie Red) and her hotness instantly goes up a few points. Being on a military base for the last year, I can attest that this is a scientific fact.

Did anyone say Jennifer Anniston? She has to be in her 40's now.

Michelle Phiffer

geezz...they're all hot to me these days. lol

There's also:

Mariska Hargitay

Suzanne Somers

Vanessa Williams

Jodie Foster

Monica Bellucci (My #1 hottest over 40)

Heather Locklear

Jennifer Tilly

Gina Gershon

Mary Louise Parker

Liz Hurley

Demi Moore

Halle Berry
