What is wrong with people?

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Very sad. He should have just done himself in and left the police out of it. What a coward.

Some cities in America are so far gone crime wise they could use a little Stalin!
Does no work for you?

We already have a police state. We should be working to eliminate that, not strengthening it to eliminate crime.

@NJMike: It's likely to be partially about race for them. When cops are corrupt, they go after minorities because they're frequently too afraid to complain. Every visible minority has a (sometimes healthy) fear of the police, regardless of criminal status. That encourages some to turn to crime.

/More of my friends have been harassed by cops than helped.

//One was arrested on prostitution charges while chatting with a friend

///She's a lawyer, so the charges were only metaphorically accurate.
trolls got friends?

oh, and then there's this....


Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop told News 12 New Jersey this morning that a threat to kill more of the city’s police officers that was circulated on social media is unsubstantiated.

The threat claimed that Bloods street gang members were going to kill more police officers after a man was shot dead by police after authorities say he murdered a Jersey City police officer.
Not in the least. (I had not read this article; I read a different one, which did not include that quote.)
(Of course, the way the article paraphrases it is intended to make people mad. It's possible she said something closer to "I don't believe that this happened as described, because if it had he would've taken more with him." - similar concept, different sentiment.)
Try reading the article and then commenting.

I'm going to say it's okay to be sad and to have a funeral and all that, but a public memorial where you brought on the death yourself is not okay. I can't shake the line about the police officer's mom having to identify her son's body.

All this talk of corruption brings to mind the 90's. I'm not saying that those cops weren't corrupt, but what happened when they didn't respond to calls during the riots? The riots got worse... so maybe corrupt cops are better than no cops? Just saying, anytime someone rises up and starts touting "corruption" Two images pop into my head... Rodney King's beating video and Reginald Denny's beating... and I tend to compare the situation to what happened then...

Sometimes the issue isn't necessarily on the cop's end (good cop vs bad cop), but rather the stigma the localized society has towards the cops. Too many people inherently see the cops as the enemy, not because the cops are actually bad, but because they are an authority figure who will get them in trouble (like a parent). When that stigma grows within the society (especially in the inner cities) and is passed down from generation to generation, the hatred grows to the point of a genuinely bad "rivalry". This rivalry however, is typically one sided. The cops don't hate the people they help protect, but the people hate their protectors and will use any and all possible slights against them or their friends as fuel to the fire. They see the arrest of one of their friends as an "attack" on their community, not as the officer enforcing a violated law.

I had a good friend come over to talk with my cubscout den several months ago about this very topic. He is a deputy with the county sheriff's office and has been with the force for 20+ years. He says the biggest issue he faces regardless of the area he has worked (rural communities, suburbs, urban, highway) is the fact that so many people fear and/or hate the police. When this fear and hatred is passed onto our children, who do you think our kids will turn to during a moment of crisis? Do you think they will call 911, no. They will continue to hate the cops because the cops weren't there (despite not being called), they will hate the cops for arresting them because they took matters into their own hands, and the hatred within the community will continue to grow. And the cops did nothing wrong.

Another contributing factor in this, if the cops are given a reason to watch you, they will watch you. As a construction inspector, if I see a crew that has quality problems, I will watch them a little more closely. I will continue to watch them until they can prove their issues are resolved. The cops are no different. High crime = more patrols. This is why people with rap-sheets are the first people the cops look at when a crime is committed.

Just some other points to consider...


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