TV - What are you watching?

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i saw a preview for preacher yesterday...didn't make a lot of sense.  but I don't watch a lot of tv at the momment.  

yeah I had to watch it twice to follow it, but there was enough there the first time to spark my interest, supposedly its a comic about a preacher who is possessed by both a good and bad angel / demon

the last couple episodes of FTWD have been hard for me to follow

Not really much available to watch here in the hotel. Only have 8 channels. A couple only show infomercials, two for "sports", CNN, Discovery, and a couple of Chinese channels.

I miss GOT...

Not really much available to watch here in the hotel. Only have 8 channels. A couple only show infomercials, two for "sports", CNN, Discovery, and a couple of Chinese channels.

I miss GOT...
Steal a friend's cable/satellite log in and watch it online?

There are alternatives to be able to watch GoT. :thumbs:
Yes, yes there is:


Is that just "Martin", or George R.R. Martin?

But it involves the internet. My only internet is through my phone. And the internet on my phone is limited. And the wifi here sucks.

There is a reality show that is about sheep shearers. The "drama" in the last episode was that they got new electric shears and were going too fast.

Had to swap hotels the other day (long story) and the TV availability is different. I found a channel that only shows music videos. Very few commercials. Once in a while they'll show a quick artist interview.

I forgot how good MTV used to be.

Had to swap hotels the other day (long story) and the TV availability is different. I found a channel that only shows music videos. Very few commercials. Once in a while they'll show a quick artist interview.

I forgot how good MTV used to be.
You mean back in the day when MTV actually showed music videos?  I remember working out at my college gym and watching music videos on MTV. Guess I just dated myself.

It wasn't until a few months ago that I found out MTV even still existed.  I thought it went away completely when they changed the name from Music Television over to just the acronym.  

I was listening to a talk show on Sirius the other day, and they brought up Jessie Camp who had won some MTV VJ contest years ago (google the name and it'll click).  Talk about a trip in the wayback machine.

The new season of Orange is the New Black is pretty stale.  The story lines just seem to be slightly modified rehashes of those previous.  Racial/social group tension, check.  Goofy security guard plot - check.  A key new antagonist prisoner, check.  Show's just not doing it for me anymore.  
