~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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9"-10" of heart attack snow fell. It seems that the weather people around here were right.

Thank god I have a snow blower.

^yuck....we had 60 mph winds last night and with the warm weather the snow is mostly gone, but they are predicting more snow tonight

we're finally getting some warming and melting going on here, but there's rain associated with it.

We have very high winds here today and lots of drifting. Interstate systems were a mess today. Took city streets to get to work. More snow on the way this weekend. Super!


I can't even explain the voice I read this in my head with
sounded like Johnny Weir to me.


This is miserable. Why do I have a feeling that my car won't start Friday morning at those temps

Cause yer rig likely isn't equipped with one of these:


Then again, I don't usually use it till its -20 or colder (without wind chills)

We also tell the visitors that all our vehicles are electric since nearly all sport a plug.
