~~**-- The Weather Thread --**~~

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Working from home here too since the office is closed.  Let's see what the rest of the morning brings because I thought we were supposed to have a few inches on the ground already.

It's supposed to be a high of 70 degrees today! It got up to 77 yesterday, which was about as warm as it's been in the last year. Pretty awesome, but also out of the ordinary for March.

Man, I don't miss the snow. 8 years in Vermont was enough for me!

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I'm working at home today too.  We have about 6" so far and it's still coming down strong.

I'm in the office.   Got my snow pants, boots and gaiters for the return trip.

wish more weekdays were like this: no client calls or emails.   

We got a solid 6 in. Of wet heavy carp today.  Glad I stayed home to clear it before it all turned to slush.  Then the power went out.  Hopefully it'll only be an hour or so

Hope your power's back.   No issues out in the metro west.    Same heavy slush, might be a bit more.  

My snowblower is acting f'ed up now. It was happy(ish) for the first half of the driveway, I turned it off to move the cars then it wouldn't start up. Once I got it started it would nearly stall when I activated the blades. I'm hoping it's a carburetor thing and not an engine thing.

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My snowblower was having a rough time.  Felt like it was going to stall half the time.   

I'm debating if I want to mess with it or just bring it somewhere. Chances are I'll mess with it. I can't leave things alone.

My snowblower worked like a champ.  I went out ~3:00 when it was just starting to change to sleet.  Did my driveway and a couple of the neighbors.  I just put things away when the plow came by for the final time and he put a 2 ft slush wall at the ends of the drive.  Brought the machine back out and got rid of that before it froze.

Power was only out for an hour or two.  All things considered I'm glad I stayed home but it was not a monumental storm.  I'm pretty sore today from the 3 hour snow removal effort.

been in the neighborhood for a long time.  One neighbor is a 70yo widow.  She has a guy plow her driveway but she gets impatient and start shoveling her walk and mailbox.  I hate to see her doing that so I try to get it before she does.  The other neighbor is a good guy and I use his driveway to get my car off the cul-de-sac circle so the plow guy can do his job.  Four cars for two people is a PITA.  I have one in the garage and the driveway holds two.  I usually leave one on the street but need somewhere to put it for these snow emergencies.

Had a rough time mowing the lawn last night. It's been almost 2 weeks since I last mowed due to the rain, so it was still a bit damp and really overgrown. Mower kept stalling. I have to "re-mow" it again tonight to get the stragglers.

My dad in Tampa got one of those robotic lawn mowers that constantly mows the lawn- I think it's around $2K but he never has to mow the lawn or pay someone to do it- he swears it's the best thing he has spent his money on in a long time.. and they have some kind of gps on them if they get stolen...

Super windy today.  The whole building is creaking.  Keep thinking my window is going to pop out.
