The Running Thread

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I don't recall the brand but the wife got a decent GPS running watch from kohl's right after Christmas last year for around 50 bucks, it tracks distance and speed and for her its all she wanted. (she cant let go of her 10+ year old ipod shuffle-).  But they have a little electronics section buried in the back of the store and they usually have some good deals on getting rid of stuff they didn't sell out of during xmas...

Just started training for a spring Half! Any other winter runners back here?

@wyman, I'll be starting a ten week plan for my half at the end of January. It'll be my first time actually following a training plan for a race, so here's to hoping I can stick with it!

Thanks, @wyman!

I'm going to really try to work on my endurance and speed within this plan. It'll be more running than I'm used to doing on a weekly basis, but probably for the better.

That all reminds me, I should probably get a new pair of running shoes... My current ones are on their way out!

My first race of 2018 is in the books!

Hot Chocolate 15k. Finished with a decent pace and placed better than I expected in my age group, female division, and overall, but there is much room for improvement. Starting with increasing the number of regularly scheduled runs per week! Lately it's been 1-2, but I want to get that up to 3-4 in the next few weeks before switching to 5 a week when I commence half training at the end of the month.

We did the Hot Chocolate 15K in October and it was a lot of fun. 15K is a nice race distance-  long enough you have to train for it, but not the same commitment as a half. 

We did the Hot Chocolate 15K in October and it was a lot of fun. 15K is a nice race distance-  long enough you have to train for it, but not the same commitment as a half. 
Yes! I totally agree. While a half marathon is my favorite race to run, really, I like the 15k and 10 mile race length a lot, too. I might even like half marathons more simply because they are much easier to find races for than 15k's or 10 miler's.

Yesterday, I think I was pretty happy there weren't another 4 miles tacked onto the race length! ;)

I'm stepping away from this. There is no place for "running is bad for your knees!" in the Running Thread. People who think that are never swayed. 

Apparently skiing is bad for the knees.   Mine is still sore from last month's sprain.  No running yet. 

I'm stepping away from this. There is no place for "running is bad for your knees!" in the Running Thread. People who think that are never swayed. 
Ya what do doctors know anyway. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20">

Just do me a small favor and stick to biking. That way in 20 years you'll still be able to climb the Lambeau stairs yourself rather than requiring handicap access. :thumbs:

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Tony Horton doesn't count.  He's a cyborg, assembled in a secret laboratory.
