--**-- The Infirmary --**--

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Did you hear about the guy with herpe on his eyelids?

He was "looking for love in all the wrong places."

I've been dealing with an earache from hell since wednesday night. Slept all day thursday poping tylenol hoping i could at least function for the drive to chicago for a wedding this past weekend. It was managable popping pills every 4 hrs. saturday I thought is slightly better but still popping the pills. Make it through the wedding and reception just fine only to find out when time for bed that i could not laydown. Just the act of laying down started a throbbing pain over the entire back right quarter of my head. Barely got any sleep. I bought ear drops sunday before the drive home and now my ear has been doing nothing but draining since then. The only plus was I was able to sleep last night.

I'm running at about 75 to 80 percent today. Recovering from a migrane from last night. The blind spot/dizziness is gone, but I've still got a slight headache. But, like the trooper I am, I'm here at work. Joy.

UGH!! I've got a wicked head cold, totally stuffed up and sore throat.

So my wife and I got this nasty stomach bug last night. I won't go into her experience, but mine was unbearable. My body initiated Code Red full body evacuation. Over the course of 6 hours, I lost 7 pounds. Today has been absolutely miserable, but thank God my parents live on the other side of town. My mom was over here before dawn and took care of us both AS WELL AS her 8 month old grandson. I hope tomorrow is better than today.

So my wife and I got this nasty stomach bug last night. I won't go into her experience, but mine was unbearable. My body initiated Code Red full body evacuation. Over the course of 6 hours, I lost 7 pounds. Today has been absolutely miserable, but thank God my parents live on the other side of town. My mom was over here before dawn and took care of us both AS WELL AS her 8 month old grandson. I hope tomorrow is better than today.

Ah yes, what I remember as the "12 hour 10 pound purge." The worst part was you really needed 2 toilets at the same time since a bucket didn't cut it.

My family has gone through a stomach thing over the past month that I consider much worse than a 12 hour purge. Each of us has gotten it at a different time, and it lasts about a week. It starts with stomach pain and then either you vomit or, if you're an adult and you can hold the vomit back, you get diarrhea. Then it kind of fades, but doesn't completely go away. So for the rest of the week (a full 7 days), you feel nauseous and crappy and get stomach pains and you start to wonder if something is really wrong with you. And then it stops.

I lost a permanent 5 pounds from it, though, so I guess that's the upside.

Big time head cold, sore throat, and a little fever today. Can't stop sweating. Blecch.
I know the feeling. I came down with a pretty bad cold on Thursday, and I haven't shaken it yet. I pretty much powered through the weekend on a combination of cold medicine and booze. But I was motivated to feel better on the weekend since I was still on vacation. Being at work makes me feel worse.
