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My wife has to get a shot every year. It's a condition of her employment, but then again she's a nurse and she doesn't have to pay for it.

Me on the other hand have never had a flu shot. Never had the flu either.

^I'm not sure either, but I figure that it can't hurt.

I disagree, I think it CAN hurt. They're injecting a virus that has been "rendered inactive." Yeah, ok, what if that rendering didn't work right?

They inject you with a dead virus. You can't get the flu from it. Source. Like I said, I don't know if it helps or not, but unless you have an allergic reaction to it, it shouldn't hurt to get it.

since they say you can't get the flu from the flu shot, I know too many people who have "reacted badly" to the flu shot after getting it.

It's like any other vaccine that you get, there is the potential for side effects. The difference is you have to get a flu shot every year whereas other vaccines you just need a booster every 5-10 years. I've gotten the flu shot 3 or 4 years in a row and have never had more than a sore arm from it.

^ Thanks pbr!

I had the same feelings about the flu shot. But we're gonna do it from now on and hope it works because it sucks to see the baby suffer so much. Best case we get a sore arm but don't get the flu; worst case we get a sore arm and the flu. There's more to be gained than lost IMO.

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Worst case you get what I had from my last flu shot. A bright red, hot to the touch arm, and a week absolutely laid out on the couch with a 104 fever due to some wicked reaction. I think my couch is still drying out from all the cold sweats a year ago. And I got the flu anyways. Never again.

^ Thanks pbr!

I had the same feelings about the flu shot. But we're gonna do it from now on and hope it works because it sucks to see the baby suffer so much. Best case we get a sore arm but don't get the flu; worst case we get a sore arm and the flu. There's more to be gained than lost IMO.

Worst case you get what I had from my last flu shot. A bright red, hot to the touch arm, and a week absolutely laid out on the couch with a 104 fever due to some wicked reaction. I think my couch is still drying out from all the cold sweats a year ago. And I got the flu anyways. Never again.

This is the kind of thing I'm worried about. I'll take my chances with getting the flu naturally, especially since the flu vaccine doesn't seem to be all that effective.

I had a friend who got a typhoid vaccine and she was tremendously sick for a month. Had to go to the ER at one point. They did some tests and determined she didn't have typhoid, but her body was spending so much effort fighting off the typhoid vaccine that she got a bunch of other infections.

I have only gotten the flu shot once in highschool during my physical - the doctor talked me into it. Almost immediately I got the flu followed by the stomach bug, never got another shot after that. I have to debate with my doctor every year about how I do not want the shot, she makes it sound like I just signed my death sentence. The major concern I have with the flu vaccine is the amount of heavy metals they inject you with:

" Each dose of flu vaccine contains around 25 micrograms of thimerosal, over 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit of exposure."


Thimerosal contains around 49% mercury by volume.

The shots also contain considerable amount of aluminum, formaldehyde, and other additives that have been proven unsafe to inject into a human body. No thanks - I will let my body fight off the disease the natural way if I ever get it.

Thats a whole other discussion by itself...not all flu shots have thimerosal...only if the dr uses a multi dose vial, its a preservative. If they use single dose vials they do not contain the stuff.

The flu shot, like all vaccinnes, is not a one-size fits all solution. You hardly ever hear about the circumstances where it "works" because one never really quite knows if someone goes through flu season without getting the flu....is it because of the vaccine or because they weren't going to get it anyway?

You do however hear an abundance of reports about side effects that people experience after the flu shot....what percentage of total vaccines is this? I looked quickly and couldn't find a reliable answer.

I have only gotten the flu shot once in highschool during my physical - the doctor talked me into it. Almost immediately I got the flu followed by the stomach bug, never got another shot after that. I have to debate with my doctor every year about how I do not want the shot, she makes it sound like I just signed my death sentence. The major concern I have with the flu vaccine is the amount of heavy metals they inject you with:

" Each dose of flu vaccine contains around 25 micrograms of thimerosal, over 250 times the Environmental Protection Agency’s safety limit of exposure."


Thimerosal contains around 49% mercury by volume.

The shots also contain considerable amount of aluminum, formaldehyde, and other additives that have been proven unsafe to inject into a human body. No thanks - I will let my body fight off the disease the natural way if I ever get it.

I'm sorry, but a site that recommends against vaccinating children is not going to get taken seriously in my book. It's one thing to not get a flu shot, I completely understand that some people don't want to get one and I probably won't once my kids are a little bit older, but to not get standard vaccinations is pure idiocy.

I think my family could do with a little less sharing. I am once again fighting off a head cold. This time it was my husband who brought it into the house and my daughter helped incubate it.

woohoo started the second set of vials this morning. But gessh the lady this morning injected much lower on my arms than the ladies previously, the injection hurt more because of it.

noticed this afternoon i have 3 sets of bruises on each arm from the last 3 rounds of shots. Yea me.
