Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Is the warning game like golf where the lower the better or is it like college sports rivalries where you run up the score all you can? :p

I reckon its all part of some new update that automatically hit the board. It's affected the tapatalk plugin as well in the sense that any new posting in a multipage thread will only get you the first page of the thread copied over and over for every page.

I know that RG and the other capable staff will get it sorted out and running again before the next commercial break :p

At work on a Saturday. Bored. Maybe I should try to up my Warning Level.

WTF is up with college these days. Kids have to have a 4.0 average to get into state schools. This seems like a ploy by the schools to get the full tuition rather than allowing local kids to pay state tuition rates.

WTF is up with college these days. Kids have to have a 4.0 average to get into state schools. This seems like a ploy by the schools to get the full tuition rather than allowing local kids to pay state tuition rates.
Or they have to play a sport semi-professionally.

WTF is up with college these days. Kids have to have a 4.0 average to get into state schools. This seems like a ploy by the schools to get the full tuition rather than allowing local kids to pay state tuition rates.

What state schools are you talking about? I'm not aware of any that require a 4.0 (out of what?!?) to qualify for in-state tuition when the student lives in-state.

Il I think cdc is talking about the increased admission standards in general for state schools. Here in MA many kids just assume that admission to a state school is a given, however there does seem to be a trnd in upping the instate standards for comparison to out-of-state applicants, especially in the top-rated state schools, because the out-of-staters pay about 2x the in-state rate.

In Texas, the top 9% (next year the top 8%) get automatic admission to the state schools. This fills the incoming class with kids who have 4.0's. The problem arises when some schools are better than others, and the top 25% usually have 3.8 or better...and usually those students who are in the top 25 have pretty impressive extracurricular activities, too. So extremely well qualified students are being left out of the state schools here in Texas. I have seen where kids who couldn't get into UT have been given scholarships to Rice or other prestigious private colleges.

It's even harder for out of state students to get into state schools. Over a decade ago, average GPA to get into Ohio State for out of state students was a 3.8 or better, and pretty danged high on the SAT's/ACT's as well.

that's the point...I think here in MA they might be relaxing abit on the out of staters versus in-state because they pay twice the tuition/fees and supplement the in-state people.

Got home from work today to find my front door kicked in, standing wide open, and the TV missing out of my bedroom. They didn't take anything else. Just one 42" plasma TV. The fucking door they kicked in is going to cost more to replace than the TV.

Someone wanted a tv for the big game this weekend?

That's nuts though, that all they took was a TV. . . could've been worse I guess.
