Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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Um...nothing like her picture, personality nothing like our previous communication, couldn't carry a conversation with a bucket, awkwardly asked for my cell number at the end of the date, etc. Just the slow motion train wreck I feared. That was the 2nd worse first date I've been on. The first one, I literally had to drive the conversation. By the end, I just gave up and we sat in silence for almost a half hour.

Um...nothing like her picture, personality nothing like our previous communication, couldn't carry a conversation with a bucket, awkwardly asked for my cell number at the end of the date, etc. Just the slow motion train wreck I feared. That was the 2nd worse first date I've been on. The first one, I literally had to drive the conversation. By the end, I just gave up and we sat in silence for almost a half hour.
Bad first dates are kind of a blessing - at least you don't waste even more time with someone only to later find out they were trying way too hard to be compatible with you. Did you meet this lady through the interwebz or did a friend set it up?

Krak has a big butt
Heh heh.

Is it slim pickings out there or am I just not looking hard enough? Not that I'm looking all that hard to begin with besides being on eharm.

Things just happen when they're supposed to happen. If you ask anyone in a long-term relationship how they met their partner, most of time they'll say it happened organically and through little of their own effort.

going back to the ceiling fan topic...never have or will have a remoted fan. The house when we bought it has ceiling fan in almost every room. They all looked like they were from the 90s. Some looked newer but were walmart specials sort of things. We painted all but 3, of that we replaced one with a hampton bay fan from menards and a hunter fan from Lowes. Less than a year later the motor went on the hamptonbay one and the manufacturer said to take it back to menards for replacement which they did...they still had the same fan. SInce then no problems with that one. One of the painted fans just died this past winter and we replaced it with a Hunter fan. We have had no problems with it once we got it installed...I have no idea how the other fan last so long with the bad wiring to it.
