Sick of 15mpg

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^^^ eg, I would assume its because of the other thread. Smaller/cheaper SUV that doesnt use as much gas.

but then you have a car payment, different insurance rates because it's a new car (possibly a change to full coverage rather than liability only)... so you really might not be saving any money...

plus $90 is like WOW, where the heck are you driving...
Assuming he doesn't already have a car payment.

I wish my weekly gas bill was only $90. If Mrs Dex and I don't carpool we're spending $120+ a week, and that doesn't count any driving on the weekends...

^^^ eg, I would assume its because of the other thread. Smaller/cheaper SUV that doesnt use as much gas.

but then you have a car payment, different insurance rates because it's a new car (possibly a change to full coverage rather than liability only)... so you really might not be saving any money...

plus $90 is like WOW, where the heck are you driving...
Assuming he doesn't already have a car payment.

I wish my weekly gas bill was only $90. If Mrs Dex and I don't carpool we're spending $120+ a week, and that doesn't count any driving on the weekends...
i spend around $150 a week on gas...anything smaller would be a blessing but it isn't going to happen

Cripers, you guys spend almost as much on gas a week as I do on childcare for 2 kids!

You mean you don't want to look cool in a used jaguar like that dipshit that still works there?
It's amusing when riding in that Jaguar. I know you wouldn't believe this but said dipshit isn't a very courteous driver. I like to tell him not to worry about it, everyone expects the guy in the Jag to drive like an asshole. :D

The $90/week was only for her tank. Including mine and its about $140+/week. And yes the other thread is influenced by this one. I don't have a car payment now and we are going to purchase the next smaller/higher mpg vehicle with the proceeds from this one and continue not having a payment. The insurance will probably be slightly cheaper because it won't be as big of a vehicle or 4x4. Her driving is due to picking up and carting kids around town and actually getting to town (30+ miles away). Not conducive to car pools. I did car pool to work several years ago right at the time gas peaked at $4. it was awesome, but, alas, that opportunity no longer exists.

^^ gotcha... I was just wondering... for us to trade in any of our cars it wouldn't be beneficial.... I commute a bit of a distance right now but have been driving my husbands car for the better gas... every other week I fill up on Wednesdays for about $60 and the opposite weeks I need to fill up on tuesdays and saturdays so in a 2 week time frame I spend about $180 in gas. Fortunatly at this point both cars are nearly paid off, so we are looking more towards the lack of a car payment and lower insurance payments since we don't want a car any smaller than the what we have now (a mazda 6).

We are looking at getting another truck, but I think that the jeep will be around forever. It's sort of like my sport trac, the only thing that is going to kill it is if I end up driving it into a ditch.

Anyway, my point was going to be I have a 2002 Jeep grand cherokee with an inline 6 and highway driving I get about 20 mpg, city driving I sometimes get as low as 13 mpg. I'm sure the newer ones are better.

The newer Jeep Grand Cherokees aren't much better. I had an 08, and it wasn't great with gas, maybe not quite as bad as yours, but what killed it for me was the payment. It was a damn expensive car. We ditched it as soon as we could and got the Odyssey, a decision we do not regret.

The newer Jeep Grand Cherokees aren't much better. I had an 08, and it wasn't great with gas, maybe not quite as bad as yours, but what killed it for me was the payment. It was a damn expensive car. We ditched it as soon as we could and got the Odyssey, a decision we do not regret.

I can imagine, 10 years old they go for about 10,000 depending on what the extras are... but every problem I've ever had with it, has turned out to be a simple thing... and the one thing that is expensive to fix, I don't need to fix because Alabama doesn't do inspections...

You know I'd be interested in the price of a used hybrid as well. I'm wondering if the cost of gas would be less than the commuter can pool I use. Unfortunately though I'm not in a position to pay cash for a 15k to 20k vehicle (I just bought a house) so I'd have a payment, but I have a payment now, but not for much longer. If a hybrid saved me money in gas cheaper than the van pool and the payment was the same or less than my current payment (doubtful) then it wouldn't be a terrible idea to get one.

^ Battery on those is warrantied for 10 years/100,000 miles.

Would you belive it has to be? It counts as an emissions controls device and they, by federal law, must be warrantied for that.

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On a semi-related note: does any one use E-85 flex fuel in their vehicle? How much does it change your mileage? When the price was just slightly better than regular gas I wasn't very interested, but I noticed yesterday that the price was about 70 cents a gallon less and thought, hey maybe I'm missing out...

E10 decreased my mileage by a full 10%. I would imagine E85 would be even worse.

the E85 ford tarus sedans we had at work were getting like 15-18 least that is what I noticed on longer trips. your regular maintance costs will go up too. the E85 shit clogs up the full lines like no other, line flushes are needed on a more frequent basis and cost in $100 range.
