Shaving pounds

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If you like hills, you should pack up and come down here for the big 6 Gap race. It is a freaking PITA. I need to find the actual elevation file but they boast a total climb of nearly 11,000 vertical feet over the 100 mile course.

This will not be the century that I start with.

Riddle me this Batman, my wife asked the other day and I didn't know - is there a difference between spinning and stationary cycling? If it has to do with technique (spin vs. grind) I understand.

^ Unfortunately, it's really hilly where I live. About your flattest ride is along the Connecticut River and even that is no bargain at times.

They don't have a true profile on your website, but I can see from the sketch that the ride would bring the pain.

Riddle me this Batman, my wife asked the other day and I didn't know - is there a difference between spinning and stationary cycling? If it has to do with technique (spin vs. grind) I understand.
Spinning is typically an aerobics class led by an instructor with music. The bikes are different, too. Most workout rooms have stationary bikes. The spin bikes are different and have no electronics. There are adjustments for placement of the seat and handlebars. There is a screw knob that tightens the brake on the wheel to add resistance. Spin class usually includes sprints, hard seated cycling, stand-up cycling, etc.

We had donuts in the breakroom all day long. I resisted the temptation. I haven't had any sugar in a week. Sure would be good, but if I started it would be hard to stop.

^ No sugar in a week?! How is that possible?? You're my hero maryannette!

You are my hero too! :D I have been MOSTLY good, just a few spots where I haven't done my best :)

Keep it up MaryAnnette !! :)


I'm on a low carb diet, so no sugar, bread, potatoes, rice, . . . . It's really the only way I can lose weight at this stage in my life. When I was younger, I ate a LOT of sugar--ate candy continuously. I kept the weight off most of my life, but my body chemistry and metabolism have changed. Hopefully, when I lose 20 pounds, I'll be able to eat a moderate amount of good stuff. It's part of the curse of growing old. The good part is, I AM continuing to grow old.

I had a back-slide on Friday. Had a piece of chocolate cake. But, it was at my mother-in-law's house and I didn't want to offend her friend who brought the cake. Since then, no more sugar.

I had to drink away my football blues this weekend and also did a back slide. Plus because of being in the field all day I missed fencing tonight.

I walked the past two days. The whole tooth pull business has sucked the energy out of me. the funny part was that even though I barely ate anything for a couple days, the scale said my weight kept going up. Like 6 pounds in 2 days. Something left me bloated as hell.

Fortunately,things are going back to normal.

In order to keep on track, I have gone in and said that i want to be at 155 by Christmas. That means I need to drop another 12 pounds by then. It seems doable but we will see.

^^^ uh .. huh huh huh .. you have water retention ... huh huh huh ... :lmao: :lmao:
Next time I will just suffer through the pain and swelling from the surgery, which hasn't been that bad. Between the dizziness, nausea, constipation, drowsiness, bloating and everything else from all the meds, it ain't worth it.

Next time I will just suffer through the pain and swelling from the surgery, which hasn't been that bad. Between the dizziness, nausea, constipation, drowsiness, bloating and everything else from all the meds, it ain't worth it.
I can relate to that, too. I had oral surgery a couple of months ago. The medicine I took for pain and inflamation was not worth the side effects, but I needed it for the pain. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

My back and knees have been giving me trouble so I haven't been doing my usual yardwork at nights for the last two weeks. I am trying to eat a little healthier (and portion control) in the meanwhile, but it will probably be another two weeks before I feel up to doing anything outside.


I cut out sugar, cut back a lot on carbs, and cut back the beer to just about nothing, and the pounds are just peeling away. I feel better, too. Of course, I found out I'm borderline diabetic and don't want to shoot up every day, so my diet is motivated by more than weight loss. I was 6', 210 on Labor Day. I don't know what I'm down to now.

I cut out sugar, cut back a lot on carbs, and cut back the beer to just about nothing, and the pounds are just peeling away. I feel better, too. Of course, I found out I'm borderline diabetic and don't want to shoot up every day, so my diet is motivated by more than weight loss. I was 6', 210 on Labor Day. I don't know what I'm down to now.
Beer is hard to cut out... I did, like you, cut out sugar, reduced the carbs (other than beer) and was working outside like a madman. I am still at 235... been there all year (just a pant size smaller than before - and my neck is back up to over a 19).


^^^ I had a friend that was recently diagnosed with diabetes who was in complete love with beer. Of course he was told that he needed to cut the SUGAR and taking off a little weight would help as well. He now drinks whiskey :laugh:


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