Results Delayed this year

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The last time the results were released in Jan was for the Oct 2002 exam. And if you didn't take the exam why do you care if people are worried when it comes out anyway?
Not true, I found out my October 2006 results on Jan 3rd 2007. But there was the whole PCS thing at play, and many people found out before Christmas.

I wonder if this is attributing to the delay.
Wow, has it already been 8 weeks? What? Tomorrow will be 7 weeks? Then how can there be a delay?
Tomorrow will be the start of the 8th week. I think everyone that took the Oct exam would agree, this is quite a delay compared to the past few years.
And I think that anyone who took it prior to this October would tell all of you to R-E-L-A-X. It wasn't that long ago when people didn't find out their results until January........
Actually...many of them wouldn't because they've been through the same thing and they remember these same feelings. Yes, they may crack jokes about our wait, create fictitious reasons for the delay but that is all apart of the fun and right that they get as a PE.

I wonder if this is attributing to the delay.
Wow, has it already been 8 weeks? What? Tomorrow will be 7 weeks? Then how can there be a delay?
Tomorrow will be the start of the 8th week. I think everyone that took the Oct exam would agree, this is quite a delay compared to the past few years.
And I think that anyone who took it prior to this October would tell all of you to R-E-L-A-X. It wasn't that long ago when people didn't find out their results until January........
Actually...many of them wouldn't because they've been through the same thing and they remember these same feelings. Yes, they may crack jokes about our wait, create fictitious reasons for the delay but that is all apart of the fun and right that they get as a PE.
Is this in the Texas Engineering Practice Act?... I hope I don't receive a cease and desist order for playing along too as a non-PE.

I wonder if this is attributing to the delay.
Wow, has it already been 8 weeks? What? Tomorrow will be 7 weeks? Then how can there be a delay?
Tomorrow will be the start of the 8th week. I think everyone that took the Oct exam would agree, this is quite a delay compared to the past few years.
And I think that anyone who took it prior to this October would tell all of you to R-E-L-A-X. It wasn't that long ago when people didn't find out their results until January........
Are you going to tell us too about how you walked uphill both ways, barefoot in the snow to take the exam back then?

I did put passing the PE test as one of my personal development goals at work. I hope the delay in results does not keep me from achieving this goal. My yearly raise and 20% of my bonus are direct reflections of me attaining my goals.

I did put passing the PE test as one of my personal development goals at work. I hope the delay in results does not keep me from achieving this goal. My yearly raise and 20% of my bonus are direct reflections of me attaining my goals.

Next time put down more realistic goals - start with breathing for example.

Did anyone in another PCS state see this on their State Board's website:

Important Notice for PE and LS Exam Candidates:

The April exam (and future exams) will be administered by a new vendor: NCEES. The transition from PCS to NCEES is in the final stages, and more details will be provided soon, with ample time to register. Do not register with PCS after Dec. 5, 2014.

This is for VA. I guess they don't want to deal with PCS anymore and will be handling things themselves. I wonder if this is attributing to the delay.
I too am waiting for VA results--but per NCEES website, we (VA PE folks) should get results directly from NCEES via our accounts with email alerts....I could be wrong- I just took the exam there and have other people to say how does this work in VA....please share any info you have.....

It took me three tries to get something from the VA for my hearing loss and tinnitus even though I had letters from my Gunny, CWO5 and Sgt Maj. As well as copies of all my medical records.

Just think, your one of the lucky ones... I heard some people actually died waiting for answers from the VA

The last time the results were released in Jan was for the Oct 2002 exam. And if you didn't take the exam why do you care if people are worried when it comes out anyway?
Not true, I found out my October 2006 results on Jan 3rd 2007. But there was the whole PCS thing at play, and many people found out before Christmas.
I've been lurking here for a while. There's a spreadsheet where results release used to be tracked on here and it was only 2009 when some people weren't getting their results until January. It seems like CA and NY used to battle for latest results.

Things have definitely improved. I'm only trying to point this out to quell the panic.

But never mind. Continue the panic.......

The last time the results were released in Jan was for the Oct 2002 exam. And if you didn't take the exam why do you care if people are worried when it comes out anyway?
Not true, I found out my October 2006 results on Jan 3rd 2007. But there was the whole PCS thing at play, and many people found out before Christmas.
I've been lurking here for a while. There's a spreadsheet where results release used to be tracked on here and it was only 2009 when some people weren't getting their results until January. It seems like CA and NY used to battle for latest results.
Things have definitely improved. I'm only trying to point this out to quell the panic.

But never mind. Continue the panic.......
I don't know who these PCS folks are. Evidently we don't have them down here in the south - but they sound terrible.

The last time the results were released in Jan was for the Oct 2002 exam. And if you didn't take the exam why do you care if people are worried when it comes out anyway?
Not true, I found out my October 2006 results on Jan 3rd 2007. But there was the whole PCS thing at play, and many people found out before Christmas.
I've been lurking here for a while. There's a spreadsheet where results release used to be tracked on here and it was only 2009 when some people weren't getting their results until January. It seems like CA and NY used to battle for latest results.
Things have definitely improved. I'm only trying to point this out to quell the panic.

But never mind. Continue the panic.......
I don't know who these PCS folks are. Evidently we don't have them down here in the south - but they sound terrible.
They really are. this is who they are. They are terrible.

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The last time the results were released in Jan was for the Oct 2002 exam. And if you didn't take the exam why do you care if people are worried when it comes out anyway?
To clarify this... The last time the results were released to the states after December was for the Oct 2002 exam.
