Presidential Election

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Who will better represent the American Public in The White House?

  • McCain

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Have you ever been outside the US? True we have our problems, but the US is still, by far, the best country in the world!I'll stay even if Obama gets elected. :unitedstates:
+1 Brotha !! :bananalama:



I think people shy away from voting third party candidates after the election of 1992.
That being said, Vote Captain Worley! I'm forthcoming with my politics!

What will Captain Worley do about illegal immigration?

CW: Nothing.

What will Captain Worley do about the economy.

CW: Nothing.

What will Capatin Worley do about high gas prices?

CW: Nothing.

Captain Worley. He may not be the answer, but at least he's not another question.

(paid for by citizens for drinking CABs and taunting people about it on Friday afternoon)
Need a running mate??? One of us may be sober some portion of the time!

Need a running mate??? One of us may be sober some portion of the time!
I think may is the operative word, but I think this country could use a Yelltsin type (or types).

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It's pointless to vote any way but democratic or republican, because that is just a wasted vote... how many times has Nadar lost an election, and last time I checked Micky Mouse and Elvis haven't been elected either.
If that's the case, you could have stopped after you said "It's pointless to vote." Republicrats are the same damn party anyway. Sure, they put on a big show, and bicker about shit...but where the rubber meets the road, they are still spending money that they don't have to put up some illusion that you cannot live without government.

And did you learn that on CNN, FOX or what ever media of your choice... errr, oh wait, maybe that came from a water cooler conversation with the misinformed. Dude, come on.
Google it, I dare you. Mickey Mouse recieves hundreds of write in votes every election (doesn't matter if it's for governor, president, senator, etc). Here are a few of the top results when I did a search today:

"People just went wild," Yolo County clerk recorder Freddie Oakley is quoted as saying. "[They] were writing in Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse. We always see a couple of those in every election, but we saw thousands of them." - ST

Ballot Return Votes for MICKEY MOUSE (Governor and Lieutenant Governor):

As you pointed out in your letter, many voters cast write-in votes as a form of protest. When someone votes, as an example, Mickey Mouse, their vote is counted but it is not practicable to give Mickey Mouse his own space on the final count or the numerous other write-in votes.
I saw a negative campaign ad being run against me...

Captain Worley, he's a known Homo Sapien.

Captain Worley was seen masticating in McDonald's with school children present.

Captain Worley once matriculated in front of a group in high school. He seemed happy about it.

Captain Worley...the question is, what kind of deviant is he?

(paid for by the FL Stormwater Modeling Association)

Google it, I dare you. Mickey Mouse recieves hundreds of write in votes every election (doesn't matter if it's for governor, president, senator, etc). Here are a few of the top results when I did a search today:
Please forgive my quoting (you could just reread what you wrote, but it seems you forgot):

Mickey is the only person to obtain at least 0.5% of the votes every election since the 50's.
There are something like 120,000,000 votes *counted* in a presidential election. 0.5% would be 600,000 votes. There's no way that many knuckle-heads write-in Micky. Hundreds, sure... but not almost a million!

So, I double-dog-dare you to show a reference that supports your original claim. The burden is on you (not us!)... and assuming you had data for ONE presidential election, I'd then ask to see data on each one since 1950.

The problem, as I understand it, is that votes for Mickey Mouse aren't tallied... so I don't think there's a record of the count.

Have you ever been outside the US? True we have our problems, but the US is still, by far, the best country in the world!I'll stay even if Obama gets elected. :unitedstates:
I'll stay even if Captain Worley gets elected. And I've read some pretty bad things about him on some other sites.

:unitedstates: Hell i'd stay if Ted Kennedy was to become the Prez - and thats saying something (for me)

The last time i used the M. Mouse write-in was during one of our worthless union elections - sad thing was, if he had received just one more write-in vote, he would have been the alternate union pres. - I didn't realize he had such mainstream appeal - he's a gamer!

I'll stay even if Captain Worley gets elected. And I've read some pretty bad things about him on some other sites.
Oh, they're pretty much true, but for your support, my first act will be to add benbo to my cabinet as energy advsor.

I think me and M. Mouse should be added t the polls. I mean, M is a perrenial favorite, and I'm the dark horse candidate.

Oh, they're pretty much true, but for your support, my first act will be to add benbo to my cabinet as energy advsor.
I think me and M. Mouse should be added t the polls. I mean, M is a perrenial favorite, and I'm the dark horse candidate.
Perhaps you can snag M.Mouse as a running mate. That's always a crucial decision. Especially for an admitted masticator.

When I was in college, the two chartoon characters from the student newspaper won the general election for student body pres and vice pres. The governing body had them disqualified on minor technicalities.


Not sure what your main demographic is, but...


^^BUWAHAHAHA!!!! I'm so forwarding that.

Benbo, I never admitted the masticating. I have heard that 99% of people do it and the other 1% are liars, though.

The matriculation charge will probably stick though. There's likely a paper trail.

Yes, that's one I will be unable to duck. However, there were two occasions when I didn't publicly matriculate. In a seemingly odd twist to the story, I wouldn't have matriculated in public the first time if my parents hadn't made me do it.

I wouldn't have matriculated in public the first time if my parents hadn't made me do it.
Rebounding from parental induced trauma makes for good human interest. The media will love it. Add a trip to rehab and you're a shoe-in.
