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Dec 6, 2018
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I was a Civil Engineering undergrad and I just got my PE (Environmental) last year.

I work for a waste management company and don't do anything remotely related to structures, etc. I have my old steel (13th edition) and concrete manuals (08) from when I took those design classes, but both are obviously outdated. 

We are moving offices next year and I am trying to figure out, are they still good for anything? Should I keep them? Take them to half price books? Is there any remote possibility that I might need/want to use them or is that never happening?


I would recommend selling them or donating to a local library / university. While they are technically outdated, they are useful as a reference when reviewing an older design.

I still have copies of 5th, 7th and 9th editions of the steel manual on my shelf. At one time, I had access to a steel manual from 1904, that was fun to look at and compare to current codes.
