October 2019 15k SPAM Thread

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I don't drink coffee in the office, but I have been given severe side-eye from counter staff when I ordered a cup the other day.  They tried to 'fix' how I pronounce it and it just didn't work.  They also tried to teach me how to say 'Hoosier', but something about my accent causes severe dipthong and it does not come out right.
I hate when that happens haha.  Like when I order biscotti. I say the Italian pronunciation and I always a response of, "Oh bisCOTTi? Ok."  

Aunt = context driven pronunciation
Caramel = Car-muhl
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jah-muhs
Route = context driven pronunciation
Caught = cawt
Tiny lobster = cray-fish
Gym shoes = sneakers
Groceries go in a = cart or bag
Carbonated drink = Soda
Bug that rolls into a ball = potato bug or pill bug
Potato bug = CPB = destroys all the crops

Pill bug = lives under rocks and is cute

Only reason why they are differentiated where I am (I forgot about my Cornell Co-Op summer internships where I did potato and then viticulture for 2 years_

There is a lady I work with that's from NJ. So same accent, right??? 😁
My face is sad right now.

As for Hoosier...they tried the "Whosyour" daddy with me.  It came out even weirder with the LI accent since we go higher at the end of 'whosyah' almost like a question, which means it doesn't sound correct.

Aunt = context driven pronunciation
Caramel = Car-muhl
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jah-muhs
Route = context driven pronunciation
Caught = cawt
Tiny lobster = cray-fish
Gym shoes = sneakers
Groceries go in a = cart or bag
Carbonated drink = Soda
Bug that rolls into a ball = potato bug or pill bug

Aunt = aunt or ant
Caramel = Ca-ruh-mel
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jah-muhs
Route = root, sometimes rout (rhymes with out)
Caught = cawt
Tiny lobster = craw-fish
Gym shoes = tennis shoes, sometimes sneakers
Groceries go in a = shopping cart (buggy is acceptable)
Carbonated drink = soft drink, cold drink, coke (soda is acceptable. NEVER POP, NEVER EVER)
Bug that rolls into a ball = pill bug or roly poly

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Aunt = ant
Caramel = Car-muhl
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jam-uhs
Route = Rout
Caught = cot
Tiny lobster = Crawlfish
Gym shoes = sneakers
Groceries go in a = Buggy
Carbonated drink = Soda/Coke
Bug that rolls into a ball = Roly-Poly
Aunt = ant
Caramel = Car-muhl
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jam-uhs
Route = Rout
Caught = cot
Tiny lobster = Crawdad
Gym shoes = tennis shoes
Groceries go in a = cart
Carbonated drink = pop (though I've gotten myself into the habit of saying "soda" more often...I grew up using "pop")
Bug that rolls into a ball = Roly-Poly

Aunt = ant
Caramel = Car-muhl
Creek = Creek (like meek)
Pajamas = Puh-jam-uhs
Route = Rout
Caught = cot
Tiny lobster = Crawdad
Gym shoes = tennis shoes
Groceries go in a = cart
Carbonated drink = pop (though I've gotten myself into the habit of saying "soda" more often...I grew up using "pop")
Bug that rolls into a ball = Roly-Poly
We were doing good until halfway through... then you dun messed up.

Y'all don't say that?

I'm literally sitting at my desk pronouncing 'mark' over and over under my breath.  I know what you're asking but I don't pronounce it with the hard 'A' or like mahk?  Like, I feel I say the 'a' normal, but further back in my throat?  It's weird, I can't like explain it?

Alrighty spammers, I have about 3.5 hours to get edits to this report wrapped up. Love that most of the people I work with are an hour behind, it gives me more wiggle room :) I have a date with the Perfect Concentration playlist on Spotify. Have a great day!

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