Number of posts changed

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The number of posts being reported for my number has been changed. It should read somewhere near 610 or so.

BTW, I have no knowledge of who is posting as BestPosterEver.

Hmmmm ....

Don't tell me you have # of posts envy ??!!



Hmmmm ....

Don't tell me you have # of posts envy ??!!


I figured a BS meter was added and it only counted those that weren't BS. But apparently it was disconnected because all of his posts are showing up now......

Why are the numbers of post important here? IMHO must be the quality of the posts, not the quantity, what should matter. You can have 1,000 posts and 900 of them can be crap. So, what does that say? On the other hand, you can maybe have a 100 and if 90% of them are quality posts you are doing good. I remember a law maker in my state. He had like 325 submitted projects at the end of one of his 4 year terms. 287 were congratulation resolutions, another 20 something were petitions to give some stupid awards and the rest law projects, most of them in tandem with other legislators. Was he a productive officer? You be the judge.

RoadGuy has messaged me and explained what has happened (I haven't even read the non-relevant posts here, so, if you posted with that one yourselves).

Now I KNOW that is directed right at me, I am the resident BS'er
Yes, it would appear that you would be a prime candidate (post stands at 3,333 as of this post and still rising).

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