Movie thread

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Darjeeling Limited - Meh. Its OK if you liked similar movies, e.g. Rushmore, Royal Tenenbaums, Life Aquatic, etc., but would rank towards the bottom of that list.

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because of the references on here, I recorded clerks when it was on cable last week and watched it over the wwekend. Strange movie but I laughed at some of it.

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The sequel is pretty good too in my opinion it's a little better, especially the Star Wars versus Lord of the rings you should watch that on YouTube just to get a taste of the movie

World War Z - Somehow I rented this not knowing it was a zombie movie. I'm not usually a fan of zombie flicks, but it wasn't all that bad. I give it a B.
So we recently saw World War Z, too.


I knew it was a zombie movie and have not watched it because zombie movies typically suck. Like, really suck. This one wasn't bad. In fact, I'd say I liked it. The good aspects are - 1) the zombieness starts EARLY in the movie and no time is wasted on character development blah blah blah, 2) the acting was good, 3) the story was good, and 4) everything was explained well and everything was easy. It even had fire, explosions, and lots of guns. The only part I thought was absolutely useless was the doctor on the plane to South Korea.

I mean, he tripped, fell, and shot himself dead. WTF?
I give the movie 4 stars.

Mirieille Enos... 4 stars as well. She has that "real world person" look. :eyebrows:
Can someone explain why:

1) Brad Pitt's character was so special that he was singled out by the UN to save humanity? He had no particular skills or expertise as far as I could tell.

2) How could the zombie tell Pitt's character was sick when he wasn't showing any symptoms of illness? Are these psychic zombies?
Watched this last night w/ LadyFox. I didn't have high hopes based on the reviews I read. However, I thought it was actually pretty decent. Good action, great zombie effects (complete with hoards), and the story was decent with the potential for a sequel at the end. Very interesting concept with the whole disease thing at then. And LOL @ the doctor on the way to S. Korea. LadyFox just looked at me and said, "Really?" LOL

LadyFox also really enjoyed the book. Though it was much different as it took place well after the whole Z event. But a reporter went around to different countries that experience the infection and got to hear different aspects from each. So it wasn't a story from start to finish, but instead a slew of small stories combined into a single book.

25th Hour - Ed Norton is a drug dealer about to go to jail, and has 24 hours to spend with friends and wrap up loose ends. It was OK, but the ending felt like someone was giving a reaaaally long powerpoint presentation and was given the wrap-up signal with about 30 slides to go.

The Purge - 1/10. You knew it was going to be stupid based on the premise of the movie, but the execution of it was even worse. I cannot put into words how terrible this movie actually was. The only reason I gave it a 1 is because Cersei from GoT breaks some chick's nose.

that movei should have its own cable channel and should be run on a never ending loop (+ a few other movies I can think of)

anyone see the new transformers movie yet? my kids saw it and they just all said it was "way too long".. i dont know of many adults that I have talked to that have seen it?

Also this summer seems to be lacking the normal "blockbuster" summer movies ? or did I just miss them all?

I saw the new Transformers at the drive-in on opening weekend. I liked it, but then again I like all of the Transformers movies...

^ even #2??? :huh:

that movei should have its own cable channel and should be run on a never ending loop (+ a few other movies I can think of)
That flick was the bomb. I never see it on tv anymore.
I found it on Blu-ray in the Wal-Mart $5 bin. Total score! Death blossom in HD! LOL

Your kids were spot-on. That was exactly what I said, leaving the theater - Transformers 4 was waaaaaay too long. It was kind of fun but it was fatiguing. They needed to cut off about one hour. Seriously.
